Girl vs Girl Rant

i sure as heck wouldn't send her flowers... she'll figure out things the hard way in due time on her own. ignorance is a menace- esp to the ppl who don't realize they're spreading it... :lol: xP
well, she's more likely to just hurt herself badly- ie like those videos of newbies goofing around with sport bikes in the parking lot. it takes all but 5 minutes and an accidental turn of the wrist to put the fear of god in her- that is unless she really becomes a very capable rider in a short amount of time. some ppl pick things up faster than others, so who the heck knows...
Guys guys guys...... look on the bright side!!!

This girl, if she even passes the class and gets her 'cycle license, will buy her R1, ride it for a day (or not), realize she can't handle it, and then there will be a nice new R1 on craigs list for sale with low mileage because she figured out it's too much bike for her.
but hey, I'd rather see her ruin another R1 (they're still in production) than to see her dumb@$$ on youtube destroy another RC51.

'course this is all in good humor, we'd rather her come to her senses and work her way up to liter bike (only because she's proven that she can't even handle a 250).

Death of an RC51?!? I couldn't watch!

And yes, I hope she comes to her senses and stays alive...

Slightly off topic, but what's special about an RC51 (Google tells me it's a Honda, the predecessor to the CBR)?

Well, I'm kind of a Honda nut and it was a V-Twin liter-bike with a pantload of grunt and go. Good chassis, suspension, binders, etc... Just a fine, fine machine they're not making anymore - that's all...
