FZ6R TBR exhaust group buy...

Hey, guys, I was wondering if anyone might be willing to mod their stock exhaust once the new one is on. Or maybe just donate it to science.

I've been wondering about the possibility of reworking the stock to open it up and make it louder, but I'm not willing to try it on my daily driver. I like the look of the stocky, but it sounds like I'm driving a monorail and noone knows I'm there.

Just an idea....

Someone has done it on an XJ6 already, it doesn't sound half bad.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THhAyf4xpz4]YouTube - Yamaha XJ6 Self Made Exhaust[/ame]

I should hopefully know by the end of the day tomorrow whether TBR will have completed their first production run and whether we might see some of these systems. :cheer:
IS IT TIME YET????????????? Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh?????????? Ok sorry. HOW BOUT NOW??????????????
Bump!! Neeeeeeeeeeeddddddd updateeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bump!! Neeeeeeeeeeeddddddd updateeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just as excited! I haven't heard from Nate yet, but it's still only midday...:rolleyes:

Here is the email I received from Nate just now. Let's keep our fingers crossed!! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

"Hi Robert,
I checked with Two Bros, they are waiting on one piece from the polishers, they expect to be shipping these out on Monday (I will have more solid info Monday afternoon) and they are saying that we will be getting pipes off the 1st run. I am not guaranteeing anything, thats what they told me today. More info on Monday, please let the guys know, thanks.
I'm extremely skeptical. So far, all they've done was keep postponing and now they bought themselves another 3 days. I hope not, but I bet on Monday they will say they expect to ship by the end of the week. I was promised my exhaust weeks ago and I'm still waiting.
I'm extremely skeptical. So far, all they've done was keep postponing and now they bought themselves another 3 days. I hope not, but I bet on Monday they will say they expect to ship by the end of the week. I was promised my exhaust weeks ago and I'm still waiting.

If I recall correctly from one of your earlier posts, you were fed incorrect information about the completion date for the first batch. I'm not sure who your dealer talked to about the exhaust when they ordered it for you, but TBR has been consistent with their release date (aside from the latest postponement). I trust things will pan out just fine. Even if there is another delay, I don't mind. We have put together an order for a brand new system for a brand new bike.
If I recall correctly from one of your earlier posts, you were fed incorrect information about the completion date for the first batch. I'm not sure who your dealer talked to about the exhaust when they ordered it for you, but TBR has been consistent with their release date (aside from the latest postponement). I trust things will pan out just fine. Even if there is another delay, I don't mind. We have put together an order for a brand new system for a brand new bike.

Well I hope they finish already! My dealer actually spoke directly to someone from TBR though...so that's why I've been pissed about this.
I actually had a dealer call two brothers yesterday and they answer I got was that they haven't been put into the production stage and a delivery date is not set yet.
I actually had a dealer call two brothers yesterday and they answer I got was that they haven't been put into the production stage and a delivery date is not set yet.


Someone is getting their chain jerked around. I just hope it's not us for the group buy.

I'm wondering if TBR is telling dealerships that their not ready yet, because the first run has a VERY limited number of systems and they are testing the waters. Nate at NE has done lots of business with TBR in the past, including a group buy for the FZ6 guys. It may be that TBR is holding out on dealerships until they know there is enough interest, as evidenced by how many or how quickly the first run goes, before making it public and going into full scale production mode. :don'tknow:

Like I said before, it's a brand new system for a brand new bike. There are bound to be delays or setbacks...but my glass is still half full. ;)
OMG HAS IT SHIPPED YET WHAT IS GOING ON I CANT TAKE IT ANY LONGER NEED IT NEED IT DONT WANT IT NEED IT LOL i wish i could just sleep for the next to weeks or so just to wake up to it at my door step
OMG HAS IT SHIPPED YET WHAT IS GOING ON I CANT TAKE IT ANY LONGER NEED IT NEED IT DONT WANT IT NEED IT LOL i wish i could just sleep for the next to weeks or so just to wake up to it at my door step

Have you seen the Southpark episode where Cartman freezes himself to get the Wii without the wait.....
Have you seen the Southpark episode where Cartman freezes himself to get the Wii without the wait.....

That pisode was f'ing hilarious!! :rof:

And no, I haven't heard anything yet. I will contact Nate tomorrow.

Ok guys, I have GREAT news! I got an email from Nate this morning, here is what it said:

Hi Robert,

The 1st production run has shipped, and we will receive pipes from this
production run. They shipped yesterday but I have not received an exact
count from Two Bros on my shipment so I will let you know. You may want
to contact the guys on the list. I will let you know as soon as I hear
from my rep at Two Bros.


:cheer::cheer: Woot woot! :rockon::rockon:

Alright guys, it looks like they are sending enough for the whole group buy.

Here's what you need to do:

1) Call Nate at New Enough after 9:30 AM CST tomorrow (Thursday) 800-565-4402
2) Give him all the info he asks for
3) When the pipes ship out to us individually, that's when he will charge us

Simple enough!!

Can't wait! I can almost hear it now!! :rockon::rockon:
