FZ6R Front Forks


New Member
Does anybody know why the blue and black FZ6R's come with the silver front forks and the yellow and white bikes come with black ones? I'm guessing because white and yellow are more visible colors and the silver may help make the blue and black ones more visible. Just curious...

Eventually I'm going to paint mine black, as soon as I have enough ambition to remove the front wheel and brakes.


Super Moderator
Until you pointed this out, I did not realize this. I saw the black ones on my wife's FZ6R and kind of assumed they all came with the black forks. Interesting!


Staff member
It has to do with Yamaha's sense of humor. :don'tknow:


New Member
The black one should have a black fork - imo The blue looks good that way.
Who's the first to do the removal, paint write-up. :confused: :D


New Member
Dont get me started about this hah!!! I HATE the silver forks on my black bike!!!!!!!


New Member
Dont get me started about this hah!!! I HATE the silver forks on my black bike!!!!!!!

+1......and they get dirt/bug splatters on them and you could see it and I hate it!


New Member
Hey yone,
Did you end up painting your front forks black??
Will regular spray paint do or special paint needeD?


Hey yone,
Did you end up painting your front forks black??
Will regular spray paint do or special paint needeD?

I would like to know this as well.. i actually debated painting my forks to match the primary bike color


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New Member
Plastidip works WONDERS! Also a few people on the Daytona forums have wrapped there in vinyl.
