Fz6r chain stiff and loose


New Member
Hey guys I need some advice. I have about 6000 miles on my Fz6r and when i went today to see the slack on my chain is was insanely tight, i guess a tight spot. However when i moved the bike foward and went to check the chain slack again it was in spec.. having good amount of slack. Do you guys recommend getting a new chain or adjusting it from the tightest spot? Thanks.
Yea the difference between the tightest and loosest spot definitely shouldn't be that drastic. If the tight spot is that tight, I wouldn't adjust for it or the loosest area will be way too loose--danger!!!
Thanks, I tried cleaning and lubing the chain, however the problem is still there. Ill see if adjusting the chain will help.
Thanks for the responses, I usually lube and clean every 600 miles, however im going to see if this problems goes away after adjusting. If not Ill definitely be getting a new chain and sprockets.

OHHHH lolol...I think i figured it out.... so when I actually put the bike in neutral and checked for the tight spot on the chain it never appeared while I rotated the chain. It only got stiff when the bike was parked and in gear on a slope. The day I got off and checked was probably when it was parked. Im going to see if this is true tommrow but sure looks like it.
