Fuel Tank


New Member
I'm installing a PCV on Thursday. I took apart everything to access under the tank so I'm ready to go. Just a quick question about the tank. When others have done this, did you remove the tank completely or just swivel it on the rear pivot point and secure it somehow? It's just kind of a ***** to hold it there, but if that means doing that oppose to disconnecting the fuel lines, I can certainly find a safe way of doing so. Thanks in advance!
I'm installing a PCV on Thursday. I took apart everything to access under the tank so I'm ready to go. Just a quick question about the tank. When others have done this, did you remove the tank completely or just swivel it on the rear pivot point and secure it somehow? It's just kind of a ***** to hold it there, but if that means doing that oppose to disconnecting the fuel lines, I can certainly find a safe way of doing so. Thanks in advance!

I say you should remove it just so you know how to, in case you have to remove it completely next time.
I say remove it. My experience is that, more often than not, when you do something in a half-assed way to avoid doing something that really isn't that difficult, the result is something bad happens that will make you wish you'd just done it right the first time.
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Yeah they are. Less than 4K on the bike as well. Removing it would not be a huge issue, I guess I have a bit of lazy *** syndrome goin on. :) Installing the PCV will take less than 5 minutes so we will see how it goes. I have more than enough tools and knowledge for the job if any hicups happen to present themselves. Thanks for the responses!
No shit???? Well if there are valves in there this becomes a non issue except the main fuel line. That I did not know. Thank you a ton!!!
Ya know, when it's your dirtbike, you just don't care about "messy" because it's probably dirty anyways. The FZ6 is kinda different. Wanna keep her nice and purdy. :p
What are these blockoff plates you speak of??? Any advantages to hooking up the speed sensor over not??? I was gonna put in the rev b sport and cruise in the PCV.
Adding, no. Modifying, yes. However, it's for noise purposes only. Just gonna remove a couple baffles. It was recommended by Marthy to use the touring map B. I figured since the PCV holds 2 MAP's I'd experiment with one. So, do you think adding the speed sensor wire is even necessary???
I'm not oppose to running anything that may make my bike perform better/more efficient. If it will ever give me a better outcome than the other, then I'll hook it up. I just went off of his recommendation based off of the mods I have, or don't have in this case. I'll probably just hook it up anyways to save the hassle down the road.
Well like I said, I'm not oppose to anything that will help with the performance. I do love the idea of options though. Tapping into a wire that is literally right there is a non issue. The best thing that I can think of is all the different options it presents. You can always unload and upload a new MAP if you don't like it. There is no pressure felt on my end. I'm happy to be talking about it with someone with knowledge about the product. I can only learn at this point so thank you for that. I'm pretty sure that this summer I'll be getting the bike dynotuned anyways. At that point the Marthy MAP's become irrelevant. Great thing is that I can always default back to it if necessary. Again though, I appreciate all of your insight on this matter as it really helps me understand a lot.
