Friend's Cousin on True Life


New Member
So I'm just chillin watching Top Gear, when my buddy calls me telling me to turn on MTV because his cousin is on True Life. So I flip the channel, and boom, True Life: I'm a Sex Offender is on my screen. The guy is from Summerfield which is a couple minutes from where I live.

So I watch more and realize the neighborhood looks familiar. It goes to another outdoor shot of the house and I see that it's my best friend's next door neighbor. Literally the house right next to his. My mind proceeds to get blown as I call said friend and tell him that he has a sex offender living next door.
So I'm just chillin watching Top Gear, when my buddy calls me telling me to turn on MTV because his cousin is on True Life. So I flip the channel, and boom, True Life: I'm a Sex Offender is on my screen. The guy is from Summerfield which is a couple minutes from where I live.

So I watch more and realize the neighborhood looks familiar. It goes to another outdoor shot of the house and I see that it's my best friend's next door neighbor. Literally the house right next to his. My mind proceeds to get blown as I call said friend and tell him that he has a sex offender living next door.

wow! you don't see that everyday!
Personally, if my cousin was on TV for being a sex offender... I wouldn't tell anyone haha.
People hear sex offender and just freak out with out knowing the story, I had a good friend in high school who will be labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life for getting caught having sex with his girlfriend of 3 yrs, he was 18 she was 17 and 3 months away from being 18, and the screwed up thing is the age of consent in ga is 16 yet you can still get in trouble.
The national sex offender registry searches through an affiliate named family watchdog. This website lets you see the picture of the person, their full name, and list of convictions. The ones living near me had nothing to do with public urination... :eyebrow:
The national sex offender registry searches through an affiliate named family watchdog. This website lets you see the picture of the person, their full name, and list of convictions. The ones living near me had nothing to do with public urination... :eyebrow:

I've looked at that website before and it is crazy to see just how many of them are out there but then again it can also be very deceiving, for instance my high school friend is on there listed as either a child molester or for statutory rape, it's been a while since I've looked and can't remember exactly what it says but when you read something like that about the person it makes them seem like a psycho who deserves to die but in his case it was all caused by some over protective parents. But luckily for him his dads owns his own electrical company and he is one of the foreman, but if that wasn't the case he would probably be screwed for life trying to find a decent job, especially in this economy. He also is now married to that girl. But don't get me wrong I am in no way trying to take up for sex offenders or try to make it seem like the majority of them arnt monsters, but more or less pointing out the fact that there are quite a few of them who are labeled sex offenders and will suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives and really don't deserve that kind of punishment and ridicule. Most of them who have earned that label, IMHO deserve to fry, but for people like my old friend, well I kinda feel bad for. I bet her parents feel like complete tools now too since they are married.
Last time I talked to him he said that after they got married that they now are trying to suck up to him as much as they can lol. He said they paid for the whole wedding and honeymoon and bought him a new truck as a wedding present, and pretty much if he ever ask them for anything they don't even hesitate to give it to him. But he did say that it's still pretty awkward being around them by the way that they act so he pretty much tries to avoid them like the plague except around the holidays and family get togethers (birthdays or what have you)
