First ride - grip thickness - center of gravity


Sport touring Member
Elite Member
I never have hand problems and have tried to figure why. If I think about it, I don't actually grip the hands are just there, same as if I were resting them on the arm of a chair. Maybe its from taking dawn to dusk rides where you have to learn to relax different muscles at various times or you'd never make it. If cruising, just the weight of my hand in the right position holds the throttle steady. Sure,I grip at times but usually its just a resting place.
Just wait..

Look into a pair of Grip Puppies. Worth every $. I have found the 6R to be one of the best handling bikes I have owned. No doubt it has basic suspension but it is very easy to ride. Just take it slow and easy.
as others have said, relax. Going from a cruiser to the 6R, a lot of people tend to have way too much weight on their hands and arms. Leaning forward more compared to laid back cruiser riding will naturally make you think that you should hold yourself up with your arms. However, your arms should be loose most of the time and you should use youre back and abdominal muscles to hold your torso up.
Also, check your tire pressure - refer to the sticker on the swing arm. A couple of pounds low will make a difference in handling.
Look into taking an advanced class. MSF offers a BRC2 (formerly Experienced RiderCourse) or the ARC (Advanced RiderCoures). Maybe even a Track Day.
Just like buying a car, a new motorcycle takes some getting used to.
Take it easy and Ride Safely.
Went from riding cruisers for 30+ years to fz6r and very different feel but much more manueverable once get used to it. I still have "chicken strips" and most likely always will. If I had ridden sportbikes earlier in life would probably be more aggressive but I'm ok with how I ride this bike. I find this more upright position actually pretty comfortable.
Ok Today was My first ride of any lenght on the fz6r... I used to ride a honda crusier. Has any one else gone from a cruiser to sport bike?

Couple of things I noticed was that the grips seemed thinner in diameter. is caused my clutch hand to cramp up more as I have a cramp buster on the throttle side.

With this being the first time on a sport bike and the first time on a bike in three years I definitely noticed an uneasy feeling cornering. I know this will come around with time, but I was really apprehensive leaning into the corners..

Coming from a 97 honda magna to a fz6r. Today was my 4th ride. The first one was a little weird principally with the position of the foot pegs. (keept steping on the levers instead of the pegs). Getting the hang of leaning better on turns and twisties. So far I love it. Bike is light and smooth comparing to the magna.
Coming from a 97 honda magna to a fz6r. Today was my 4th ride. The first one was a little weird principally with the position of the foot pegs. (keept steping on the levers instead of the pegs). Getting the hang of leaning better on turns and twisties. So far I love it. Bike is light and smooth comparing to the magna.

yes, ride with the front part of your feet on the pegs instead of hooking your heels on the peg and letting your toes hang down. You'll have better control and won't look like a noobe dork.
I agree. I have Grip Puppies and they are very much worth the $9-10 for them.

To the OP, I came from a Honda Shadow cruiser to the FZ6R. The cruiser had 1" handlebars, the FZ does not. I found with the thinner handlebars, the grips are thus thinner, and thus you can get more of your hand around the bar and frankly grip the s**t out of it. With the Grip Puppies installed, the grip is now thicker and I cant strangle it the death. Although, it still happens because the traffic around here is a show and I get tense until I can get away from the other ratards in northern VA. :0

In terms of the cornering, that will come. You tend to fall into the corners on our bike much more than a cruiser, and with the seating position being more upright, it just takes a little time to get used to it.

Look into a pair of Grip Puppies. Worth every $. I have found the 6R to be one of the best handling bikes I have owned. No doubt it has basic suspension but it is very easy to ride. Just take it slow and easy.
I have a cruiser, and a FZ6R. I concur with the advice to loosen your grip. Think about how you "don't grip" your cruiser because of your riding position. Likewise, your 6R really doesn't need much of a grip. However, your mind is probably telling you that you need to hold on because (a) it's a sport bike, (b) it has a shorter wheelbase, (c) it responds to your input more quickly than your cruiser, (d) the diameter of the bar - and therefore the grip - on the 6R is smaller than what is probably on your cruiser and the tendency is to try to hold the grip more tightly. Try taking your bike to a parking lot and doing some low speed maneuvering with a relaxed grip so you can get used to the feel, and gain some confidence in being able to control the bike without having to muscle it. Then take it out on the road where you can practice relaxing your grip. A good pair of gloves will help this process as most are pre-curved, and put your hands in a more natural position. Happy trails!
cruiser to fz6r

Rode cruisers for 10 years before I got the FZ6R. The differences as well as it being my first new bike, had me riding super tense all the way around. Tight grip, elbows out, shoulders to my ears, etc. And the more I ached the worse I tensed up and the more I ached. I had cramping hands stiff neck, pain in my hips and more. But the handling of the bike was everything that I switched for.

Finally someone in my riding group told me what I was doing. Between the tips she gave me and just relaxing it is almost all gone. Oh and I softened the clutch a tad. Now I just need a new seat.
