Feeling the blues...


New Member
Well Fellas,

It has been a long week and a half for me, as I was laid off 2 Fridays ago. It came out of no where, and now I am in a HUGE jam. I just moved into my new apartment like 3 months ago, and I am just stuck and feeling very down. I know that I will make it through this, but I just feel like a piece of garbage, and am worried that it will take me too long to find another job. I am basically just venting, but I appreciate this forum and all of the support that is given on a daily basis.

keep the faith! I heard before - "when you don't have a job, then your job is finding a job"

good luck on the search, and don't be cautious to look outside whatever field you are in. you can always use it temp until you find what you really want
Thanks you guys for the responses and well wishes. Just another example why this forum is so awesome!

Thanks again!!
Keep your head up and just start the search you will land on your feet!
I too was unemployed a year or two ago-for like 10-11 months. The best way (for me) to beat the blues was to keep active. If you just chill at home watching TV and surfing the web you will start to get down on yourself.

I would walk my dogs, play disc golf, clean or do repairs, walk to places that were within a mile or two to put in applications. The list of things that you can do to stay active (that don't cost anything) are limitless. Oh, and 12oz curls don't count as exercise....

Your worst enemies will be complacency and procrastination.
I had to let go of 2 employees last week. It wasn't fun at all. Especially when one doesn't deserve it other than they were the weakest link in the chain, and had to shorten the chain.

My only advice would be to apply to anything. Even if you get some junk job, it at least keeps you in the rhythm of going to work and it brings in some money while you're looking for the right job.
Sorry to hear about that. I was unemployed for 6 months and I know that feeling all too well.

Look up resume writing tips and have your friends and family look them over to make sure it's good.

Also, you may want to try getting business cards. Vista prints makes free ones and you just pay shipping & handling. Don't underestimate the power of a business card. Professional and helps to make you easily reached.

Good luck!
Buck up, lad! You can doooo eeet! :D

I feel you man, just keep sending out those resumes and do whatever you gotta do. Go for a ride if ya can to clear yer head. XD
Sorry to hear of your lay off Yellow. I got laid off after working for a company for 15 years. At the time it was a bitch,but looking back it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Good luck guy! Keep your head up!

+2 on applying for unemployment, and door knocking, hand-shaking, and looking a prospective employer in the eye. That could also hold true for the area where you live by checking with "neighbors" for work they may need done, but also getting out the word that you're looking for a permanent position. Don't get down on yourself. You did nothing wrong, and there's something else waiting for you to find it!
