Fair price for a 2010 FZ6R?


New Member
The itch to move into the supersport realm hasn't gone away so I've been recently quite seriously considering the prospect of selling my FZ6R and buying a new bike next year.

A friend from work thinks he might be interested. He's getting his motorcycle permit this weekend and might be in the market soon. I'd feel good about someone I know owning it, and while I wouldn't exactly give it away, I'd let it go for a fair price.

Bike is the 2010 raven model with gold wheels, but I purchased it brand new this April. It now has ~1600 miles and everything is still 100% stock. I serviced it myself at 450 miles and got a Blackstone oil analysis, which came back positive. Since I got a flat last week on the rear, I also just changed out both tires to brand new Dunlop Q2s. Chain has been cleaned and lubed every ~400 miles. Bike is kept in an attached garage and never ridden in the rain. All in all, he'd be getting an awesome first bike that's been under the care of someone with a history of fastidious vehicle maintenance.

What would you guys pay for my bike? I was thinking something along the lines of $5,500, considering the $250 in new tires.
I think $5500 is fair considering it is essentially a new bike and you can vouch for it's care to your friend (he would be taking a bigger risk getting it from a stranger). New tires, unlike other mods, actually have value as well.

Anyway, there is a friendship, and then there is money, $5000 would be a crazy good deal, but you lose $500 - so, I think $5500 is fair, I mean $5000 would be more appropriate for an 09 with 10,000 miles.
When I got my fz6r (may this year) an 09 could be had all day for 4500. So 5k would be a good price for this bike.

Also, why would you want a supersport? Says you live in midwest, there isn't many twisties in my area (southeast Missouri) or do you want track days?
Really is there a reason for the ss? Here in the midwest you don't get far on one, unless you are like the kids at the malls that go for 30 mile runs and just sit at starbucks.... Not sayin you are but that is the typical sh!t you see around here with those. That or the VERY RARE tack days.
I feel the same way, see red. If I was going to do track days, I'd get an old, good running, ugly bike. For everyday riding, No way in hell i'd ride a supersport.
I feel the same way, see red. If I was going to do track days, I'd get an old, good running, ugly bike. For everyday riding, No way in hell i'd ride a supersport.

Its all preference and how you feel on one... I ride an R6 pretty much everyday. I go on 8-10 hour rides as well. Sometimes with my wife on the back. I am very comfortable on it.

Have you rode an SS? They are not demon, back crushing monsters everyone thinks they are. Although some people just cant get used to it... Cruisers are way more uncomfortable to me. Yes the FZ6R and more standard position bikes are the most comfortable, but its depends on who you are.

It would suck though having one and not being able to experience its true nature by not having any good twisties around. But I could tour on mine no probs.
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Actually, I'm likely moving out of the Midwest to the west coast within the next year or so. Most of my current riding is for pleasure, and much of it lately has been at the "track" that my friends and I discovered.

Given my riding habits, I don't think I'd find most of the downsides of a supersport to be significant detractors, and I plan to temper most of them by choosing wisely within that realm. Instead of a Daytona or an R6, I'd probably opt for something more ergonomic like a GSX-R or ZX-6R. It's not just about power, either. Riding the ZX-6R at the Kawasaki Ticket-to-Ride event a couple of months ago delivered a thrill that wasn't reproduced by simply riding something more powerful (I also rode a Ninja 1000 and found it to be just okay).

I guess it's kind of like choosing the insanely hot but fucked-up temptress over the nice girl who will make you cookies. It's easy to see which decision is ultimately going to be the wiser one, but I'm still young enough (28) to think twice.

At the end of the day, the bike is 100% recreational, and the supersport, without a doubt, has the edge in excitement.

Fair enough. At least you went and drove one as well as testing other bikes. Good to know you aren't just trying to be "cool" lol! Just be safe.

Oh to answer your question, yes I have ridden several. I owned a mille, and a falco. I will say you are right as far as they aren't ALL brutal.

I am just getting old and can start feeling it, rode my freinds r1 man that thing sucked for me... but I will jump right back on a rsv mille and be ok.

Just don't be on the sad video thing. Deal?
