Engine Temps...

Min was 224 the other day when it was 109* out with 92% humidity...put 320 miles on, good lord was it nasty out lol
So far mine has gotten up to 214 in heavy stop and go traffic. It's been so hot here. I wear my jacket, gloves, and helmet but I do wear shorts riding everyday to class. That makes me only half a squid, I think.
I average 204-216 with city driving. But it's always so hot + humid here. Long stop lights feel like you're squatting over a camp fire.
It's wierd about roasting on the bike, been out there a few times fully geared and +100F, yeah you get hot, but somehow it's tolerable and you still enjoy the ride - typically, I just try to get back home by 11:00AM, it's near 100F by noon in Tejas

I've saw my FZ6R go over 215 plenty of times, didn't seem to cause any issue though

What I see as "standard":
City: 198-208
Highway: 186-190

Highest I have seen this summer (the outside temp was 98F):
City: 214
Highway: 209
Me: Burned.
mines gotten up to 220 after staying still for awhile, but 190ish is normal

218, the crankcase you'd think was on fire!
