do "loud pipes save lives"?

Actually I believe you will continue to use a loud pipe no matter what as it sounds sa sa sa sweeeet
Actually I believe you will continue to use a loud pipe no matter what as it sounds sa sa sa sweeeet

ya...that toooooo
Somehow this episode of South Park seemed fitting :)

The episode is NSFW.

That was funny and appropriate. Clueless Harley guys. LOL

Story: I left work yesterday and this erect penis on a fake harley with straight exhaust was rappin the revs at a light, annoying the absolute F' out of everybody within earshot of 2 miles. What made it worse was a young mom was pushing her baby across the sidewalk and this guy just wouldn't stop rapping the revs. She was getting pissed, the baby was crying, and this guy thought he was cool. I almost threw the Bronco in reverse and ran his ass over just for the infant's sake. If my kid was in the truck, I probably would have.

So, of course, as we all were merging onto the freeway, this slimehole had to pass everyone (at maximum revs) and disprupt the merging- just so he could be first onto the freeway. I flipped him off as he passed and yelled for him to pull over, but like most pretenders, he wouldn't. This clueless a-hole was actually shocked I was yelling at him. He sped off, but not far enough because I could still HEAR his ass, even though I couldn't see him.

Conclusion: This f-wad was obviously over-compensating for a serious lack in several personal departments. If you're gonna run loud pipes, be decent enough not to rap 'em when infants are around. Loud pipes are one thing, but they can be too loud.

Sorry for the RANT.
I think that driver awareness education campaigns, such as the, "Share the Road. Look Twice For Motorcyclists" signs and TV ads probably do more for motorcycle safety than loud pipes do...

Loud pipes just piss people off... If this wasn't true, then there wouldn't even be a bill on Governor Arnold's desk to sign at this very moment limiting bike exhausts to 80 decibels in the state of CA... The bill already passed the state legislature for crying out loud...

People don't just wake up one day and decide to hate motorcyclists. They hate motorcyclists because of the bad riders out there doing stupid shit to piss people off. Loud cruiser exhausts thundering & disturbing the peace, dangerous & reckless sport riding & stunting etc. These guys ruin the image for all bikers...

Think about it... Senior citizens are a sensitive group of society. And, they have both the time & the energy to lobby against things that they don't like. I mean, c'mon... I highly doubt generation X'ers or Y'ers lobbied for the motorcycle exhaust bill... LOL.

Above all & foremost we all need to ride defensively & safely of course...

But, loud pipes? It's just a lame excuse for attention whores who need to stroke their egos, imo...
I like the South Park suggestion: just call the Harley loud pipe attention whores "FAG!"
But, loud pipes? It's just a lame excuse for attention whores who need to stroke their egos, imo...

Like a car's styling, I appreciate an engine that sounds great. This doesn't necessarily mean I like loud pipes, just that I like pipes that sound great, and if it's loud then that's just an add on.

Now obnoxiously loud pipes like a HR1, D&D, Wolf, etc are just stupid. Most motorcyclists will agree that D&D's are obnoxiously loud and will not ride with someone who has one. "It's like wasps on crack shaken up in a tin can annoying"
That was funny and appropriate. Clueless Harley guys. LOL

Story: I left work yesterday and this erect penis on a fake harley with straight exhaust was rappin the revs at a light, annoying the absolute F' out of everybody within earshot of 2 miles. What made it worse was a young mom was pushing her baby across the sidewalk and this guy just wouldn't stop rapping the revs. She was getting pissed, the baby was crying, and this guy thought he was cool. I almost threw the Bronco in reverse and ran his ass over just for the infant's sake. If my kid was in the truck, I probably would have.

So, of course, as we all were merging onto the freeway, this slimehole had to pass everyone (at maximum revs) and disprupt the merging- just so he could be first onto the freeway. I flipped him off as he passed and yelled for him to pull over, but like most pretenders, he wouldn't. This clueless a-hole was actually shocked I was yelling at him. He sped off, but not far enough because I could still HEAR his ass, even though I couldn't see him.

Conclusion: This f-wad was obviously over-compensating for a serious lack in several personal departments. If you're gonna run loud pipes, be decent enough not to rap 'em when infants are around. Loud pipes are one thing, but they can be too loud.

Sorry for the RANT.

Kids, people and dogs deserve to be treated with respect and not get their ear drums blown out by an a$$hat like that.
I think he will get compensated for his ill will one of these days and I hope not to be there when it happens.
I keep it cool in the residential areas and try not to scare the crud out of old ladies I'm next to.
I'm to old to need an ego stroke..If I want that I go fly an airplane.
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I'm to old to need an ego stroke..If I want that I go fly an airplane.

I always wanted to learn to fly an airplane. F'n sweet! Jealous and envious, but old enough to bump an ego boost and say, "I wish I was you."
The ego boost is when you lift off solo....
You are "Pilot in Command" and all the rights and responsibilities that go with it.
You have the right to override any and all of the the airport controller's directions should you as THE ONE IN CHARGE decide for safety reasons to deviate from the normal procedures....God is your co-pilot and believe is you and you alone that controls your fate (and mechanical failure).
In Los Angeles, there isn't a lot of places to land if your engine fails as you can't just pull over and call AAA.

Ya..ego boost for sure.....expensive ego boost;)
a bit off-topic. but, the other thing that i don't get is why a lot of cruiser riders would wear german nazi-style helmets... i'm not jewish. but, as an american, i take offense to what those helmets represent... so many americans gave their lives in ww2 fighting the nazi bastards, who committed all kinds of unspeakable crimes against humanity.

and, now these tattooed, leathered-up harley riders think that it's cool to wear a helmet that symbolizes nazi tyranny and oppression? it's a slap in the face to every american and every allied nation, imo...

still, this is a free country, and i think we all agree that we'd still fight for people's rights to do what they want to exercise their freedom of expression. but, i can only shake my head when i see the ignorance and stupidity of fools who would wear those kind of helmets...

ok, where were we? yah, loud pipes suck. <lol>
a bit off-topic. but, the other thing that i don't get is why a lot of cruiser riders would wear german nazi-style helmets... i'm not jewish. but, as an american, i take offense to what those helmets represent... so many americans gave their lives in ww2 fighting the nazi bastards, who committed all kinds of unspeakable crimes against humanity.

and, now these tattooed, leathered-up harley riders think that it's cool to wear a helmet that symbolizes nazi tyranny and oppression? it's a slap in the face to every american and every allied nation, imo...

still, this is a free country, and i think we all agree that we'd still fight for people's rights to do what they want to exercise their freedom of expression. but, i can only shake my head when i see the ignorance and stupidity of fools who would wear those kind of helmets...

ok, where were we? yah, loud pipes suck. <lol>

Being a military veteran myself, I understand what your saying. I kinda look at those helmets as "I took this off a dead Nazi and I'm gonna ride around on my American iron and display it." That's the patriotic American side of me. But, the most likely reason they wear them is what Toofless statement.
This is a fashion statement....

Nazi Helmets, chaps.....braglargabraglarga

All about style....
That's interesting. I was on a plane a few years ago (commercial, American Airlines). We landed in San Jose and then proceeded to taxi off "onto a closed taxiway" (it was under construction, there was no pavement, oops). The airline blamed the tower saying "the pilot had no choice but to follow the direction of the airport controllers".

Pity I didn't know you back then, I bet I could've gotten a few thousand frequent flyer miles for my troubles, though it was kind of exciting, being on the plane that was surrounded by all of the emergency vehicles :)

(my apologies, today seems to be "off topic" day for me)

I was in a hurry and cut in front of the line once and got flack for it and had an intermittent talk button on the radio. I could see the TX while I pressed it but no transmission. I thought they said permission to take off and I repeated the permission and they didn't hear me but didn't acknowledge. So I did a runway area incursion and had to deal with FISDO.
The FAA doesn't mess around!

Roaddawg..I don't wear spandex.....:D
my bad... i started it... kekeke... xP

what's FISDO stand for?

It's actually FSDO
Pronounced Fizdo

Flight Safety District Office...and you have to make a report and have a personal talk with the Flight Safety Enforcement Officer when you screw up.
In my case it was both my faulty TX button and the controller for not making me repeat the missing or garbled transmission to make sure I knew and they knew what I was supposed to do. In this case it was "Hold Short"....not "Clearance to takeoff granted".
