do "loud pipes save lives"?


Elite Member


New Member
I'm a firm believer that while passing thru the blindspot a louder pipe will alert a driver who may be about to merge on top of you. However the view that they will hear you coming is most likely not correct considering the exhaust on 9/10 of bikes out there is exiting the REAR, and away from the vehicle you are approaching.


New Member
Good read but one point he purposely glossed over with minimum discussion was the result of a siren. He stated that cager hears the siren but doesn't know where it's coming from. The cager hears the siren coming from a 360 degree radius and it's the same for loud pipes, they do radiate sound in every direction, not just rearward although more sound is rearward he fails to make any percentage of sound radius directional compass points. The cager starts paying attention and starts looking for the ambulance, fire engine or motorcycle so then it becomes the visual thing that he insisted was the key to safety. So if a motorist does hear a siren or loud pipes he will look to identify where it is coming from. That right there wins the loud pipe issue as over done, finito!

When splitting lanes with louder pipes I get more than 2 times the cooperation from drivers and my sound is going the wrong direction according to the article.
They separate like the Red Sea when I split lanes because they hear me even though the sound is going in the opposite direction...supposedly. There is always the guy who refuses to budge or the guy with the music so loud he couldn't hear a thermonuclear bomb go off next to him. That reality.

I keep my RPM and noise levels to a minimum in residential areas and around town so as not to be a nusiance but the louder pipes do make a difference on the road. Cagers do hear you and that sets up a chain of events that are good for the motorcyclist. 1. Cager hears a loud motor. 2. Cager tries to identify where the loud motor noise is coming from. 3. Cager now has visual contact with loud motorcycle. 4. Cager avoids maneuvers that may cause an accident with the motorcycle.

Loud pipes save lives by alerting cagers to your presence


Super Moderator
No they don't, but riding skills do save lives.



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Elite Member


New Member
I agree 100% that rider skills are necessary but would you as a highly skilled rider prefer to have loud or semi loud pipes or a completely silent motorcycle that has no sound at all?

A combination of riding skills and some pipe noise is preferable to an electric/silent motorcycle.


New Member
I drive as if no one can see me, that way I don't get any surprises. The drivers out there that own the road don't care about motorcycles, they do what they want whether they see you or not. In Montreal Noisey exhaust gets you an invitation to the inspection center. I ride with the high beam on during daylight hours and at night if cars are far away so I can be seen.



Super Moderator
Questions? Can you hear every car beside you in a cage? Do they all have loud pipes? No. What about the hybrids? They make no sounds at all in your blind spot when under 35 and on electric.

You're better off to get a Stebel horn and be trigger happy with the button. In 20 years, your ears will also thank you for not subjecting them to constant loud pipes.

An excerpt from the cruiser guys themselves:

Myth 2: Loud Pipes Save Lives
Yeah, there are a few situations—like where you are right next to a driver with his window down who is about the to change lanes—where full-time noise-makers might help a driver notice you, but all that noise directed rearward doesn't do much in the most common and much more dangerous conflict where a car turns in front of you. Maybe it's the fatigue caused by the noise, maybe it's the attitudes of riders who insist on making annoying noise, or perhaps loud bikes annoy enough drivers to make them aggressive. Whatever the reason, the research shows that bikes with modified exhaust systems crash more frequently than those with stock pipes. If you really want to save lives, turn to a loud jacket or a bright helmet color, which have been proven to do the job. Or install a louder horn. Otherwise, just shut up.

The Spin Doctor

New Member
AFAIK, emergency services vehicles sirens are designed to be directional - the white noise is particularly directional. That's not the case with bike exhausts, which is why it's difficult to orientate to find one.

It's worth pointing out that whilst the driver is looking for the source of the noisy exhaust, he's not looking at the road ahead.

FWIW, I was a motorcycle courier in London, UK for 16 years, never used loud exhausts (they are a 'copper' magnet) and never got sideswiped.


Everyone likes the sound of a well tuned exhaust .
Have noticed that at least 70% of the cagers notice a louder exhaust , if one person notices the exhaust and misses me or brakes for me it is worth it .
So in some situations loud pipes do save lives , kind of like the chicken and the egg , both are correct and neither is the answer .
Do agree thought , riding skills are paramount and no loud pipe can save a lousy rider .


Elite Member


AFAIK, emergency services vehicles sirens are designed to be directional - the white noise is particularly directional. That's not the case with bike exhausts, which is why it's difficult to orientate to find one.

It's worth pointing out that whilst the driver is looking for the source of the noisy exhaust, he's not looking at the road ahead.

FWIW, I was a motorcycle courier in London, UK for 16 years, never used loud exhausts (they are a 'copper' magnet) and never got sideswiped.

Never used the horn either , right ?
Never yelled ?
No form of noise to gain attention , right ?


New Member
[ame=]YouTube - Almost crashed my Yamaha FZ6R[/ame]

That was the case all the time before the exhaust mod. Now it NEVER happens. Loud pipes have probably saved my butt several times. I really could care less what everyone thinks. I want to live so the pipe stays.


New Member
YouTube - Almost crashed my Yamaha FZ6R

That was the case all the time before the exhaust mod. Now it NEVER happens. Loud pipes have probably saved my butt several times. I really could care less what everyone thinks. I want to live so the pipe stays.

Same here Brother....The moment my pipes got loud, I noticed an instant change in how cagers react to me and give me a heck of a lot more respect on the road. Maybe loud pipes don't save lives but then some people don't believe in GOD either....Unless there is a way to PROVE it...this will always be debated.


Super Moderator
Even a straight pipe isn't going to save you from the 19 yr old who has the stereo blasting, a cell phone in the left ear and yelling into the phone because the music is too loud, then said dumb-arse decides to take the left lane where you reside without looking because they can't turn far enough with the cell phone in their ear.

The only way to save yourself is to be as highly visible as possible and NOT be in the space a car wishes to occupy. Never hang out for even a few seconds in a cagers blind spot. Watch their actions before you pass as well as when you goose the throttle to pass. There's many indicators that you can spot that will show the driver is distracted, doesn't know you're there and is looking to change lanes as you get there. Always have an escape route in mind.

In other words, drive like you are invisible because to many, you are invisible!

Also, the vast majority of motorcycle accidents are frontal collisions. Since the exhaust is not pointing that direction, it will not help at all. You need to be noticed but you also need to read the faces of the drivers around you. If you didn't see them looking at you, always assume they are totally unaware you exist. When I say looking at you, I mean direct eye contact or looking in their mirrors.

Be safe, be visible and be ready!


New Member
"Since the exhaust is not pointing that direction, it will not help at all."

I can hear a Harley coming and going down the street, the streets 4 blocks away and further. I can track his progress by listening to his exhaust. I can also hear the 65' Mustang coming and going and all the way to the freeway almost. Think about all the noisy vehicles around your house. You can tell where they are by the sound. The speed of sound and the human ear and brain can track moving objects by the sounds.

The noise may be louder from the rear but that doesn't mean it isn't heard from the front. I don't care what bike you are driving, I can guarantee you there is nothing made that will travel faster than the speed of sound or anything even close.

Think about hear loud cars and motorcycles no matter which way they are pointing from inside and outside your house. Same for cagers unless the 5000 watt bass boom system is rumbling the block like and earthquake.

I agree on the paying attention to the driver's attention indications and vehicle movement is probably your best protection to avoid a collision but a system of multiple safety features will combine to help.

How about we agree that riding skill coupled with attention to driver activity/actions, bright clothing, headlights and especially modulated ones, modulated brake lights, louder exhaust system and ATGATT all compliment each other. Loud pipes don't save lives but they do help in a motorcycle safety system.


New Member
Since the exhaust is not pointing that direction, it will not help at all.

I agree with everything you said except that.

If you didn't see them looking at you, always assume they are totally unaware you exist. When I say looking at you, I mean direct eye contact or looking in their mirrors.

This is true too but be aware that just because they look at you, even right in the eye, does not mean they see you. I've had people look right at me and still pull out in front of me. :eek:
