Dad just wrecked his bike.

Sorry to hear about your Dad. Thank heavens that it is not life threatening. All the best to you and your family from Canada
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Sorry to hear J and wishing your dad a speedy recovery. Speaking as one of the 'old fart' FZ riders on here, I cringe just thinking about it. I think my next mod should be air bags. P.S. I live on the side of a mountain and the roads get heavy sand and gravel in the winter. I HATE THAT STUFF!
That sucks man. :( Hope he gets well soon!
yeah, that sucks, boy life can throw curve balls - well, hopefully his recovery is straight forward and you and your Dad can do those rides with your new bike soon.
What bike was he on? Just out of curiostiy
On a 07 Honda shadow. Broke 8 ribs! Couple on both sides... :(
On a 07 Honda shadow. Broke 8 ribs! Couple on both sides... :(

Oh damn man that's not good at all. Maybe start fixing up his bike for him when you get time? That will definately make him smile
On a 07 Honda shadow. Broke 8 ribs! Couple on both sides... :(

wow that's gotta hurt! they can't do anything for that, just gotta heal on their own, right? :(
Dang man! Praying for a speedy recovery!
Hospital keeping him another day or 2.
Hope your dad heals up quickly J!
On a 07 Honda shadow. Broke 8 ribs! Couple on both sides... :(

Holy Hell 8 ribs. Sorry to hear that. He's going to be a hurting unit for a while. I've busted my ribs a few times, usually only one or two at a time and I know how much that hurts. Takes forever to heal too. Wish him the best.
I hope your dad heals up quickly and rides again, he is in my prayers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 6R Blacout
ack... sorry to hear to this.

hope your pops will be ok and makes a speedy recovery.
Haven't been on the forum for couple of days. Very sorry to hear about your dad. It was my parent's who got me into riding. Long stories, there.

I hope all is going well for him. Laid down in a parking lot with broken ribs? I'm guessing it was the handlebars. What's the story?

Prayers, and best wishes on the way.

He has designated MC parking at his work. There was some work done to the parking lot where they dug up a section of the road about 2' wide and pretty long. He was coming round the building when another car came at the same time head on. He was right on the strip when he hit is brakes and it folded over hard on top of him...
