Crazy rider!


New Member
Another rider like KLE621... regardless, I get knots in my stomach watching this.

He never shuts up damn!

no kidding....

Take note, this is how you end up dead while lane splitting.

I am in support of lane splitting but not like this guy, everything he does just screams dead shortly.
Two words: stupid crazy! And he must be saying in Portuguese how bad *** it must feel to ride like this in the afterlife. Those drivers don't look like the polite type either. Very lucky to make it home or wherever he goes when he's not riding!
Most riders go at a speed whereby they could stop if something like a car changing lanes happened. He's got his hand on it having a good fantasy here.
Textbook definition of an an "Ignoranus": Both stupid *and* an a-hole...
What the hell is he yelling about.

He is giving a full lecture how is important to start on a cheap 150cc bike (they have a lot of those in brazil), and work your way up.

Also he yells at people that are driving in the middle of 2 lanes, or are cutting him off.
How on earth... I gota say if I was stupid enough to do this I would be hitting mirrors of cars left and right... jeez
no kidding....

Take note, this is how you end up dead while lane splitting.

I am in support of lane splitting but not like this guy, everything he does just screams dead shortly.

I'm also a big proponent of lane splitting on highways, lane filtering at stop signs and stop lights... basically giving motorcyclists more avenues for safety and comfort. However, this guy, is abusing this privilege big time. He is obviously skilled and feels competent... but his time will come.
I swore I saw a vid of this guy getting hit by a car not long ago...???
please do find that... I would love to see that!

It wasnt a bad crash, but he was splitting and went through an intersection and a car tagged him. The bike did indeed hit pavement though. Had to be this guy. Hard to search with this not in English.. ;) I'll try to find it.
Pretty damn crazy. Uhm I wanna see him ride the new r1 like this. He has to he a good multitasker . He obviously does not have concentration problems cuz he is yapping and honking his horn as well as weaving through car, trucks and bikes. Althogh totally abusing his moto rights, this guy can hit a bank and ride out wity eaze.

It wasnt a bad crash, but he was splitting and went through an intersection and a car tagged him. The bike did indeed hit pavement though. Had to be this guy. Hard to search with this not in English.. ;) I'll try to find it.


Not the same guy as the OP video, this is the original crazy lane spliter.

Everybody now copies him.
