Cool comparison between R6 and FZ6R


New Member
Alright guys I don't think this has been posted before, but I found it a little bit ago and thought you guys would enjoy it!

[ame=]Is a Supersport right for you? - YouTube[/ame]
I knew I made a good choice. :thumbup:

Me too. I sat on a GSX600 the other day at the dealership - that mofo is designed to kill people like me. ;)
He absolutely is right when he said "If you can only have one, the FZ6R is the one"
When I only had one bike the FZ6R was it and it was a perfect daily driver. I love it as a commuter.
So happy I own my CBR, though.
Good video except he kinda overlooks the "fun factor" of the R6...

If I had to commute & could only have one bike- then the 6R, of course.

But for weekend riders, the R6 is much lighter, more nimble, and overall much more fun, hands down. The ergo's are very easy to get used to as well- so long as u don't have a bad back...
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He mentioned the seat as being super comfortable on the FZ6R.
Maybe for 10 minutes and then I always got hot spots.

Anyone else think it is super comfortable?
He mentioned the seat as being super comfortable on the FZ6R.
Maybe for 10 minutes and then I always got hot spots.

Anyone else think it is super comfortable?
I was out for a few 3 hours rides and did not have a problem with a seat.:don'tknow:
what alternatives are there to the seat though?

I'm sure there are a few out there but what options are liked on here?
Okay, my 2 cents having owned both FZ6R and GSXR600. The FZ6R is great cause you can relax and see the world if you want, but then it gives thrills in the twisties and you can use the full power without too much worry of over doing it. The GSXR, on the other hand, gives you a better ergo position for really attacking the road and higher speed tucks, the bike is way more challenging to ride smoothly (sensitive steering and lots of power), but is very rewarding when you find the right road and your body and mind are fresh.

So, the FZ6R is less demanding and more 'pleasant', and the GSXR is more challenging and stingy with it's rewards, the highs are higher on the SS, and the lows are lower (e.g. back pain). The FZ6R allows the rider to blend in and just ride, the GSXR attracts cops and raises eyebrows more when passing slow cars. In the end I can't say one is better than the other, but I wanted to experience a SS, so I got one, no regrets. The prudent course would have been to keep the FZ6R with it's lower cost and relaxed approach, but I have never been a prudent kind of guy; I suppose that kinda speaks to most peeps who have a SS as their only bike.
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Great vid! :thumbup:
Never owned a supersport, but have ridden many... I would without a doubt take the 6R for the street anyday.
He owns a ninja 250 and an r6.... it's not his fz.. he is just reviewing and saying IF he could only have one bike that would be it.
I myself in owning both a SS and the FZ6R I wish I still had the FZ for my commuting, two up riding, etc etc. and just had the Daytona for when I want to head to the hills.

I believe soon I will be grabbing myself another FZ6R for a streetfighter project.

and it's not that I don't like the Daytona, I mean it's my dream bike. It fits me well, it's not uncomfortable, it does everything I want it to do, but it has no storage space, it's superiorly uncomfortable for a passenger, and theres a few other things that just make it no good for some of the small stuff.

I own a SS and the FZ6R. I could not be without my SS. Nope. If I had to choose between the FZ6R and my CBR, not even close, I'd take the CBR.
My wife is considering getting a CBR 600RR, whether she keeps the FZ6R or not depends on the finances.
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