Complete nutrition


New Member
Anyone familiar with them? I have put on about 60lb's in the last 2 years and I need to shed some weight. I have little to no time to work out as I am a full time college student and full time employee and I have 3 hours of commute a day.

Just curious if anyone has gone with any of their meal plans and products or know anyone that has?
I agree with Marthy, just make sure you eat right. By eating right I mean healthy stuff and more than 3 small meals a day. Best would be 5-6 small meals throughout the day in about 3 hour intervals.

As for exercise go with jumprope because 10 minutes of jumprope=30 min of jogging. Since you say you have no time. Good luck!
I have to agree with Marthy. I would stay away from any "supplements".

acutally i disagree to a point

this is what i take with 6-7 small meals (fist of protein fish, chicken, or lean steak) (fist of carb- whole grain pasta, brown rice and oats) (fist of complex carbs- your broccoli or sweet potato) a day with my work out plan (STAY AWAY FROM FATTY MILK) i go with almond NO LACTOSE

supplements i take

multi vitamin
omega fats
green tea
digestive enzymes
protein powders if you are working out (isolates- recovery, casein- meals/cravings)
I have to agree with marthy, just eat healthy and work out as often as you can and you will feel better and lose weight. I've been working out and eating healthy (lots of fruits/veggies, NO FRIED FOOD EVER and sticking to fish/chicken) all summer, and so far i've only been down about 15-20 pounds most, but I'm quite a bit skinner and have gained muscle. Just do what you can w/o resorting to the diet pill fad, most of the time they don't work and are hard on your body.

acutally i disagree to a point

this is what i take with 6-7 small meals (fist of protein fish, chicken, or lean steak) (fist of carb- whole grain pasta, brown rice and oats) (fist of complex carbs- your broccoli or sweet potato) a day with my work out plan (STAY AWAY FROM FATTY MILK) i go with almond NO LACTOSE

supplements i take

multi vitamin
omega fats
green tea
digestive enzymes
protein powders if you are working out (isolates- recovery, casein- meals/cravings)

I think what Greg was implying were the diet pills like this shit:
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wow 3 hours of commuting a day would drive me crazy, hate traffic :mad:

remember the diet drug Ephedra that they finally banned in the US? - I took that for a while and lost 40lbs in about 6 months. my hands started to tingle like carpel tunnel - it ended up being a lack of nutrients, specifically B-12, doc said my levels were dangerous (worse than senior citizens) because I really didn't get hungry and thus didn't eat much at all. Had to go on B-12 shots = not fun at all having to give yourself shots to get my levels back up heathly.

whatever you do, diet and exercise is the magic combo, but in moderation, don't starve yourself and take multi-vitamins.

it's not gonna be fun, like said, no fried crap, do not eat any fast food period. once you get your body/stomach and mind to accept it, and on a routine it gets better.

gotta get the blood pumping, can be easy as fast paced walking the neighborhood 20-30 minutes a day. and then mix it up with some strength training, push a couple of dumbbells around every other day or so.

good luck man, sooner or later we all pork up some and have to burn it back off

forgot - something that really helped me is the "eat for what you're gonna do, not what you've already done" - eat bigger meals earlier in the day and less at night. bad thing is many do the opposite. I try to not eat 2-3 hours before bed, then stuff my hole when wake up hungry:drool:
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My best suggestion: count calories. No matter what kind of diet you go on, you never realize how bad some stuff is u ntil you start adding it up. Set yourself a max calorie count for the day, probably like 1500 for a guy your size to lose weight. There are phone apps that make it pretty easy, especially for eating out.
My best suggestion: count calories. No matter what kind of diet you go on, you never realize how bad some stuff is u ntil you start adding it up. Set yourself a max calorie count for the day, probably like 1500 for a guy your size to lose weight. There are phone apps that make it pretty easy, especially for eating out.

for some this works but for me i like to eye ball my i said awhile back

cup of carbs
fist of protein
cup of complex carb

if you dont eat the nasty foods and stick to a well protein source than you will loose weight as long as you keep your metabolism firing
i agree with what most have said on here. Like they stated go with the 5 to 6 meals a day, almonds and nuts are a good source of protein (non salted of course). Peanut butter is a great source as well

Make sure you drink at least a gallon of water a day, our bodies are 60% water so you have to make sure to hydrate yourself daily. Yes you will be taking a piss a lot more but you will feel all around better. You can also get low calorie, low sugar sweeteners, but it is worth it, and you will see. Also multivitamins and omega 3 are what i am taking, there are plenty of others out there, you just have to do your research and see what you like.

As far as food goes, i usually eat a fist full amount like cavcuz05 was saying. 3-4 eggs in the morning is good, stay away from white bread!!! go with wheat, also stay away from white rice. Fish and red meat is a must. I eat salmon, cod, halibut, tilapa and then top loan, and steak that had virtually no marbling. Make sure you eat vegetables to (carrots, asparagus, green beans, broccoli). Blueberries are good, oats.

The number one thing that has helped me in the past are motivational quotes. Just read some and stick with it. It is so easy to relapse and go back to eating that crap but if you want to lose weight it starts with the mental part first. Here are a few of my favorites:

-Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can
-You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.
-The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live.
-The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.
-If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Another tip i have is when your eating, eat one bite and put down your utensils and chew your food slowly, and enjoy it, savor the moment of what it tastes like, Then when you're ready for another bite do the same thing, eat a bite and put your knife and fork back down out of your hands while your chewing.It may be repetitive but you will find you will get full a lot faster and eat a lot less. Don't shovel one bite after the next like you are starving to death, that's how you over indulge and eat to much in one sitting

Remember, it will be hard, but never give up and do it for yourself! Best of luck to you man!
Hey all thanks for the advice one thing I wanted to say was its not all supplement based. There program is meal replacement. So the snacks=almonds, fruit, ect....Meals= 2 replacement shakes and a standard meal.

I beg to differ on the weight loss though, I was working out an hour a day with heavy lifting and a half hour of heavy cardio. I fluctuated on a loss of 15-20lb's. I then took the original hydroxy cut and I went from 238 down to shape of my life so far in a 10 month period. That was 2 years ago...I now weight 246lb....

I dont have time to work out like that anymore. I honestly have an hour-2 hours a night of homework. I wake up at 9am....leave for work at 10:00am and get to work at 11:30 till 8:30-9:00 and drive the hour and a half home. So that puts me getting home at 10:30. 2 of my three meals are now at work(no kitchen only a microwave) and any snacking is at work. when I am home from work its now 10:30...take my dog out to play and go potty its now 11:00...add an hour of home work means its midnight before the earliest.....

SOOOO....its not an easy schedule. I dont even have much time to cook for the following days. So I find myself on my sunday/monday days off that I make food for the rest of the week or doing dry cleaning or going on motorcycle rides to enjoy a little time off and away from the hectic routine.

What I currently take:

GNC Mens Ultra Mutli vitamin
Chromium Picolinate
Korean Ginsing
I am an exercise science major and will have my degree done after this year. Most of the stuff on here so far sounds pretty good. So if your looking to lose the weight you really need to make this a life commitment. Otherwise as you know you will be up and down with the weight. I have had some instruction in nutrition and some of the basic tips is to cut down the carbs, and fatty meats. Start taking in some extra fruits and veggies, its amazing how much an apple and banana can fill you up. If your looking to drop weight fast your going to have to work out. Every time you put your body through a work out you rase your basal metabolic rate which is the amount of calories your body burns in a day. Eating healthy will help a lot, but you need to supplement in some activity. If you can make time for it I would say a few times a week don't eat after 7 or 8 p.m. This is essentially fasting over night so in the morning your insulin levels will be lower. So in the morning if you have access to a treadmill walk at a brisk pace on an incline for 60 minutes. The low insulin levels will make your body fat more susceptible to being burned. Studies have also shown that for the first 30 minutes of cardio type exercise usually burns up your stored energy such as carbs. So going for an hour will increase the total amount of fat burn. Now supplements are kind of hit and miss but some branch chain amino acids are available at gnc such as leucine. This type of amino acid can help retain lean body mass which will burn more fat. But keep in mind everyone is unique so your body will respond to it differently than mine. I also highly recommend doing some sort of weight or resistance training. Having that extra muscle will burn a lot more calories as well. I hope some of this helps you guys out. It has done well for me and I am implementing a lot of this into a 6 month workout plan this fall so do what you can, and stick with whatever exercise program your on, results take time.
What I take:

Multi vitamin
Protein (Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard)
Creatine (Green Magnitude)

Never had many problems with my weight though, I'm actually a hard gainer.
acutally i disagree to a point

this is what i take with 6-7 small meals (fist of protein fish, chicken, or lean steak) (fist of carb- whole grain pasta, brown rice and oats) (fist of complex carbs- your broccoli or sweet potato) a day with my work out plan (STAY AWAY FROM FATTY MILK) i go with almond NO LACTOSE

supplements i take

multi vitamin
omega fats
green tea
digestive enzymes
protein powders if you are working out (isolates- recovery, casein- meals/cravings)

Ok this may sound kind of goofy, but I'm a firm believer in the Weight Watchers program. For those of us that need some kind of structure (Me)
It teaches basic healthy life long eating habits.
I have tried almost everything ever created to lose and maintain weightloss, and it is the ONLY thing that has worked for me at 55 yrs old, along with exercise.
Uh, Yohimbe?? Has more effects than weightloss :D :thumbup:
Uh, Yohimbe?? Has more effects than weightloss :D :thumbup:

I know:cool:...its also a blood lose fat in your outter most lower back and love handels...
Fish Oil and a Multi are the only supplements you need....especially the Fish Oil.

For me, staying away from Gluten based products sheds mega weight...too much bread.


PS: Every doctor I know always says: "Stay on the Fish Oil."
One thing I can say is Extense works like viagra. I called BS on a buddy of mine who takes it and swears by it. He gave me one of those shots that looks like a 5 hour energy. I took it one evening when the wife and I were both home, and I was mr.woodcock for hours I couldnt get it to go away for the life of me haha. 3 rounds in the ring and 3 knockouts and I was still ready for another "fight" haha

There are so many fish oils out there, is there a difference in quality between them? I think im going to hop on fish oil. As of this thursday I am going all natural foods and going to add a tremendous amount of fruit and veggie to my diet. I will be pure lean meats IE: Chickens and pork chops, lots of veggies, veggie snacks and fruits. Im very excited for the change. Going to be cutting out all soda, and I will only allow one day for drinking any type of bad alchohol such as beer, and that will be sunday. Otherwise I will limit myself to half a glass of a good red wine which I hear can be highly beneficial. This will be a lifestyle change for good.

I will also allow on beer day a bit of a cheater diet and allow pizza or pasta...but all organic. I want to see how my body does losing all the preservatives and artificial stuff.

Granted I used to be on a body builders diet and was completely shredded with 9% body fat and 176lb roughly 2 years was amazing. But my body cant handle doing those workouts anymore.
