Coldest day you have ridden?

Being a Southern California boy, cold for us is high 40's. But I did encounter temps of 29°F on a ride from Las Vegas to Laughlin at 2am. The best weapon against the cold was the half balacava I wore under the helmet. Needless to say, when I got off the bike, I immediately held my hands against the crankcase cover to re-heat my spoiled SoCal fingers. ;)
About 25F, not to often can I ride below freezing here, because the high humidity which means frost and black ice on the roads.

I've hit black ice 2 or 3 times over the years, but I treat each corner as if it is iced over any time it is below or near freezing. Then my dirt bike skills kick in and the leg stays out in case I have to catch me from slidin'. ;-)

I did hit 3" of hail on I-405 in May this year!

I wear a fleece jacket under my Alpinestar leather and Helle Hanson snow pants most of the year. I wear a baclava when it's below 40f. I've never found anything that keeps my hands dry or warm. :-(

24 F here in florida, lucky I have a lot of cold weather gear from my years station in Germany
