Clipped by a cager!!!!!

Gwai lo 2.0

New Member
So I was on my way in to work this morning when I got clipped by a cager :mad: I was traveling east bound; all of a sudden a west bound car 10' in front of me swerves into my lane. I tried to swerve out of the way but the distance was just too short. The corner of his bumper clipped my left leg. Needless to say, the inpact threw me and the bike off balance and down we went :disapprove:
The guy instantly came over and started apologising. He said the car in front of him slammed on the breaks, causing him to swerve into the oncoming lane and that he didn't see me or he would have just hit the other car. Anyway, shit happens! So now i'm gonna get flamed for wearing jeans and I deserve! Road rash sucks! here are a few pics.


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damn, that sucks. sounds like you're really lucky if all the damage to you and your bike was roadrash though.
Glad you are OK. Skin will be replaced as will the bike parts.
Now you know the importance of proper riding gear.
The cager made a mistake and he will and insurance will pay. Good for him for not running.
The pics off the bike don't look too bad, but either the forks are bent or they twisted in the triple tree and the whole metal support for the headlight housing / mirror mounting area is bent to shit!!! you also cant tell that almost everything on one side of the bike is eithr cracked or scuffed to shit... I guess i really should have put the damn frame sliders on last weekend... Doh!!!
Sorry to hear that Bro! Fix your bike, get well soon and get yourself some riding pants :spank: LOL

I always wear all the gear I have, was going to look into knee/shin armour but I guess I didn't do that soon enough. I'm just glad that i'm not one of those tank top, shorts and flip flop weraing guys...
I am sorry to read about your "bump".. I look at your knee and all I can say is...ouch,,ouch,,ouch!! Glad you are "OK" for the most part and I am glad the driver took responsibility. Laurie
Sorry to hear about your spill. Thankfully you only got clipped and you didn't have to endure a head-on impact...

...but i've gotta thread jack and ask about those mirrors. I see they are from the ZX-10. Were they an easy install? I haven't seen anyone on here sporting those yet and I really like how the turn signals are integrated!

** Edit: Searched and found... my apologies for the disruption!
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Get well! There just so much you can do... I ride with jeans every now and then too. I'm not any better. 95% of the time I wear my riding pants. Always Helmet, jacket, gloves and little boots.

I'm pretty sure that my Alpinestars SMX 5 boots save my ankle from being broken.
Sorry to hear about the wreck. Hope you and the bike make a speedy recovery! A Canadian Gwai Lo, eh? Speak much Cantonese?
Large gauze bandages and lots of Triple Antibiotic Ointment will heal that knee up quick. Get a 6 x 8 bandage and use lots of the ointment. Tape around the outside edges of the bandage. If the bandage sticks, soak it in warm water for 10 minutes or so before removing it.
Ive removed almost all the skin on my butt 2 times and done the knees maybe 20 times and a lot worse than your photos show so I know how to heal it fast, retain some flexibility and keep the infection out. The scabs will ooze a lot so the bandage will keep your pants clean. Hard scabs will bleed and take away any flexibility so the ointment is key. Change the bandage 2 times a day and shower normally.
Good luck.
Sorry to hear about the wreck. Hope you and the bike make a speedy recovery! A Canadian Gwai Lo, eh? Speak much Cantonese?

I know enough that if I mysteriously woke up in Hong Kong, I wouldn't go hungry or be lonely ;)

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.
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your very fortunate thats the worst it could have been.
