Chicken Strip


New Member
how big is Your chicken strip?! :Sport::america:
mine is about 3/4 of an inch now,working to get that smaller. I have posted pics to my album of my strips,for some reason i just can't seem to get my pics over to here.Info would be much appreciated. Also sorry for the dirt on the tire they are digging waterlines on my street.
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What is a Chicken Strip!?
actually, its called a chicken strip because you are too chicken to use the edge of the tires, therefore leaving a nice strip of brand new rubber on the edges..
how big is Your chicken strip?!
mine is about 3/4 of an inch now,working to get that smaller.

Down under half an inch... around 3/8" maybe...
When you commute everyday on straight roads how do you now wear out the center of the tire first??? giving it that flat look??
While comparing chicken strips is always a discussion. it's not a clear indicator of who is fastest in the corner.

What gets you through the corner faster? Getting off the seat! Putting your body both forward and to the inside of the corner, while putting your weight on the outside peg and using the "kiss your mirror" method, will get you through the corners the quickest. This allows the bike to stand up more thus giving you a better contact patch with the road. Your forward position and weight distribution allows the bike to turn in tighter.

If you practice this proper technique and do it not so much at speed, just to develop muscle memory and riding skills, the speed will come and the chicken strips will disappear on their own.

Focus on your skills and technique and the rest will come naturally. :D
While comparing chicken strips is always a discussion. it's not a clear indicator of who is fastest in the corner.

What gets you through the corner faster? Getting off the seat! Putting your body both forward and to the inside of the corner, while putting your weight on the outside peg and using the "kiss your mirror" method, will get you through the corners the quickest. This allows the bike to stand up more thus giving you a better contact patch with the road. Your forward position and weight distribution allows the bike to turn in tighter.

If you practice this proper technique and do it not so much at speed, just to develop muscle memory and riding skills, the speed will come and the chicken strips will disappear on their own.

Focus on your skills and technique and the rest will come naturally. :D

This is how I ride most of the time! Even when a curve/turn does not require this aggressive technique nor a ton of speed, I like to imagine that it does and position myself correctly. I probably look like a complete fool doing this at 40 mph, but it creates great muscle memory. :cool:

I usually scoot forward close to the tank, put pressure with my outside foot and knee against the peg and tank, respectively, and try to kiss my reflection in the inside mirror. Keeps the bike more upright for a better contact patch. I can carry pretty good speed through a corner, have pretty small strips and I have never scraped a peg.
This is how I ride most of the time! Even when a curve/turn does not require this aggressive technique nor a ton of speed, I like to imagine that it does and position myself correctly. I probably look like a complete fool doing this at 40 mph, but it creates great muscle memory. :cool:

I usually scoot forward close to the tank, put pressure with my outside foot and knee against the peg and tank, respectively, and try to kiss my reflection in the inside mirror. Keeps the bike more upright for a better contact patch. I can carry pretty good speed through a corner, have pretty small strips and I have never scraped a peg.

As I read this, I was picturing you draggin a knee through the grocery store parking lot...going so slow that you pivot around on your knee! :D
While comparing chicken strips is always a discussion. it's not a clear indicator of who is fastest in the corner.

What gets you through the corner faster? Getting off the seat! Putting your body both forward and to the inside of the corner, while putting your weight on the outside peg and using the "kiss your mirror" method, will get you through the corners the quickest. This allows the bike to stand up more thus giving you a better contact patch with the road. Your forward position and weight distribution allows the bike to turn in tighter.

If you practice this proper technique and do it not so much at speed, just to develop muscle memory and riding skills, the speed will come and the chicken strips will disappear on their own.

Focus on your skills and technique and the rest will come naturally. :D
i know what keeps my chicken strips small - roundabouts, whether i just lean the bike till the hero-blobs groud out or i hand off and keep the bike more upright, roundabouts are superb for taking the bike over to the limit. There is one near me which must 250ft across, it's possible to exit at 75mph+ if you get drive effectively!
if everyone wants a good laugh, i could go out and take pictures of mine.

how many miles will we expect to get on the stock tires?
