Can't be the only one...

Being just over the hill from you in Reno, there is such a lack of humidity in our areas - we suffer from the same malady (minus the itching). I bought the Heat Out long johns & shirt from Cycle Gear when they were on sale. While the quality is questionable, I think they are better than pantyhose (which I hate!) The pants rub the long johns and it reduces the chafing. Same with the top - it keeps a shirt or jacket from rubbing directly on your skin. I've ridden some mid-90 degree days with the Heat-Outs and it was bearable fully ATGATT. A little sweat = moisture:)

I've been using Aveeno lotion in the tan and green bottle. The dimethicone in it creates somewhat of a barrier on the surface of the skin to keep the moisture in (best applied after your shower). With the itching though - sounds like there's an allergy to something ??? Good luck with your prescription remedies, I hope you find some relief!
Hey all,

I researched the net, called various bike shops, talked to bike friends, but to no end am left with being singled out as having this problem... Please, I need your help.

My legs itch like crazy from being dried out by the freeway winds. My doctor diagnosed it as dry skin and said that the hot weather at freeway speeds is stripping away the oils of my skin and drying them out. I have a few questions about this please:

1) Does anyone have/had a similar problem like this?
2) Any suggestions for a remedy?

Here are some facts to help paint the picture:
- I use all kinds of lotions, both OTC and prescription, to help with the dryness, which helped a lot, but is still very much there whenever I ride.
- I ride a 2009 FZ6R.
- I commute 50 miles/day on the freeway at 75-85 mph.
- I wear jeans for pants, but the upper body is protected with leather, etc, which probably explains why the upper body is not drying out?
- My commute is in Sacramento, CA. It gets pretty hot here.
- I'm 33 years old, been riding since 2004. This is the first year I had this problem during the summer. Last year was the first year it happened during the winter (which was also the year I bought this bike). I'm far too young for this crap! <--- I think :mad:

I could not find any lower fairing for my bike. I noticed on the FZ6R's damn fairing does not curve outward from the front of the bike to the back. The fairing actually curves inward, projecting the wind right into my legs.

Should I sell the bike and upgrade to something with more fairing? I love this bike, but the itching is effecting my life. Any suggestions please?

You are my last hope. I called everyone I could think of and did research as I could.


Along with the other suggestions, you may want to change your laundry detergent.
Along with the other suggestions, you may want to change your laundry detergent.

I had to do that a number of years ago as I had an allergy to an ingredient. Soap formulas change all the time to meat EPA requirements. The stuff you always buy may not be the same as the last lot.
Heavy lotion right after shower while legs are damp, such as Eucerin Intensive Care. And he prescribed Hydrocortisone 2.5% in Sarna Lotion for the itching (not cheap either). And he said to avoid the irritant, which is the wind at those high freeway speeds, but that's not gonna happen since it's my transportation to work.

As a medical professional, what do you think? I'm worried because no one else seems to have this problem.

I didn't realize that hot hair can dry skin just as cold air. I could understand if this happened during the winter, but after doing some research I discovered that it can just as easily during the summer time :mad:

Thanks again for all the feedback. If anyone does stumbled on this thread with some experience or insight, I'll keep checking back.

Here is what I would do, all hypothetical as I am just a nurse and not a Dr so I am not able to tell you what is right for you. I can only tell you what has worked for the patients I have helped and what I have seen prescribed for my patients.

As far as a good hydrating lotion, I have had great feed back and experience with regular old Eucerin cream, not lotion. Don't just put it on after a shower though, put it on atleast twice a day. The cream is thick so but don't put a light coat, your skin should be moist after so maybe a little in the morning but a good amount at night before bed.

I can also give my own presonal feedback on this stuff. After washing my hands 50 million times a day they started to crack and even bleed, especially my knuckles. One application of that stuff and everything was bueno.

Hydocortisone 2.5% is usually what is prescribed for itch but keep in mind not all medications and ointments work for everyone. if it's working go with it. If it's not keep in mind what works for you may not work for me and what works for me might not work for you. If you have a follow up and want to try something different ask him about triamcinolone acetonide ointment 0.1%, usually runs pretty cheap.

What needs to be a priority is finding the cause of the issue and treaments such as lotions and creams just mask the symptoms but don't fix the actual problem. You need to figure out if it is in fact the wind, your detergent, chaffing etc. That needs to be the priority.

You can also look into oral medications such as over the counter benardyl or get a script for Atarax but these are antihistamines which mean they can cause you to get tired which is not good when riding.

Yes, hot air can dry just as much if not more so what cold air. Look at the hand dryers you see in restrooms, they blow out hot air.

Hope this helps a bit :)

Thank you for the information. It was very helpful and I will try different creams and apply the Eucerin several times per day instead of just after the shower.

I stopped riding my motorcycle for the last week and the itching is almost completely gone. I get some minor itch late in the evening, but I'm only putting on lotion after the shower. Wearing socks, the top of the tube, irritates my legs a little, but I think it's because of the dry skin.

I apologize for the late response!

