Brake light flasher


New Member
Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure what these things are called, so I wasn't sure what to search for. Anyway, is there a way to hook up the brake lights on the 2011 FZ6R to flash rapidly when you press in the brakes? I've seen it on other bikes, and I was just kinda curious if this one had the ability or if there was a mod or something that can be done.
Its called the "BackOff" brake light signal module. I have one on my bike, its relatively painless to install, there is even a 'how-to' on the sight.

Thank ya. That helps quite a lot. I really like the way they work (good attention grabber), and after having multiple people come close to running into the back of me today, I'm hoping it will help me be just a little more visible when stopping.
Thank ya. That helps quite a lot. I really like the way they work (good attention grabber), and after having multiple people come close to running into the back of me today, I'm hoping it will help me be just a little more visible when stopping.
you will be pleasantly surprised at how people will now leave plenty of space between you and them at a stop with this accessory. I also believe this modulator wakes up the person behind you thereby alerting them sooner that you are slowing/stopping. I have been using Back-off brake modulators and Diamond Star headlight modulators for many years on many bikes; well worth the money.
I see there is not a FZ6R option, which version did you order?

Their guy said he was sure the FZ6 will fit the FZ6R so I ordered the FZ6. It will get here next week so I can report on how/if it fits.

I have used their plug and play on other bikes and it is so easy and works great... worth the extra money with ease of installation and there is no mod to the original wiring.
Their guy said he was sure the FZ6 will fit the FZ6R so I ordered the FZ6. It will get here next week so I can report on how/if it fits.

I have used their plug and play on other bikes and it is so easy and works great... worth the extra money with ease of installation and there is no mod to the original wiring.

Yes, that's correct. Sorry for the delayed response. Feel free to give them a call with any questions. They are super helpful!
Installed the Vizi-Tec FZ6 version on the FZ6R. Plugs in easily and works perfect. Remove the grab rail and Right Side rear cover to access plug terminals... super easy.... no mods to stock wires.
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I've just installed the Vizi-Tec break flasher. Works great!

Installation was pretty easy once I found the connector. Ignore the instructions on the site (see? This is what I get for actually RTFM instead of just plugging it in!).

As mentioned above, you can remove the rear grab rail & side -- but I managed to squeeze some deft fingers under the passenger seat to unplug the original connector and put in the Vizi-Tec. Nothing needed other than the key to the passenger seat!

Oh, I guess it may be a good idea to put some dielectric grease on the connectors...

I'll also put in a plug for their customer service. It's a small company that really takes care of the customers. A few days after ordering, I called them up to make sure they'd shipped the part. Apparently USPS had mailed it back to them (since postage just went up the week I ordered it!). Well, to speed things up, Bernard from Vizi-Tec stopped by my place on Saturday to drop it off personally! These folks really do go out of their way to make people happy customers.

I've just installed the Vizi-Tec break flasher. Works great!

Installation was pretty easy once I found the connector. Ignore the instructions on the site (see? This is what I get for actually RTFM instead of just plugging it in!).

As mentioned above, you can remove the rear grab rail & side -- but I managed to squeeze some deft fingers under the passenger seat to unplug the original connector and put in the Vizi-Tec. Nothing needed other than the key to the passenger seat!

Oh, I guess it may be a good idea to put some dielectric grease on the connectors...

I'll also put in a plug for their customer service. It's a small company that really takes care of the customers. A few days after ordering, I called them up to make sure they'd shipped the part. Apparently USPS had mailed it back to them (since postage just went up the week I ordered it!). Well, to speed things up, Bernard from Vizi-Tec stopped by my place on Saturday to drop it off personally! These folks really do go out of their way to make people happy customers.

damn, what kind of favors are you doing for these guys??? lol

Also I personally prefer the blaster X
Kawasaki Motorcycle Led Tail Light

Check the bottom of that page: That thing is just wicked crazy...

We put that on my friend tail light and set it to like setting 6 I believe and damn that thing gets peoples attention with a quickness. We had set it to the continuous blaster x profile for a few days and actually had people locking their brakes up behind us whenever he hit his brakes, they were freaking out but they were sure as hell noticing it.

He didn't like the continuous flashing so we switched it to the strobe and then solid for 3 second profile. It really does grab peoples attention. I have LEDs in my car and I think I'm going to get another one of these units to put into my 3rd brake light for my car to help make sure I don't get rear ended...

I'll also get one for my bike once I get a new one. Don't want to spend anymore on the one I have before I sell it.
