Bloody Nose's??


New Member
Up until 3 weeks ago I never had a bloody nose for a random reason. I flew over to the east coast for the first time and the way there I got (2) bloody noses on the plan there, I was on the east coast for a week and got (3) while I was there. Came home on the plane and had (2) more on the plan and have had 2-3 a week since then.. WTF is wrong with me haha!!

Is this something I should go to the doctor for, can anything be done about a bloody nose??? I have been on airplanes many times before and never had this happen and I dont know why its still going on..
That's strange. I don't know how severe they have been, but doctors will actually cauterize the inside of your nose if they think they are severe enough to do something about.
Up until 3 weeks ago I never had a bloody nose for a random reason. I flew over to the east coast for the first time and the way there I got (2) bloody noses on the plan there, I was on the east coast for a week and got (3) while I was there. Came home on the plane and had (2) more on the plan and have had 2-3 a week since then.. WTF is wrong with me haha!!

Is this something I should go to the doctor for, can anything be done about a bloody nose??? I have been on airplanes many times before and never had this happen and I dont know why its still going on..

Usually means your low on iron. try some B-12. If that is not it. See the Doc & Get well.:)
i used to get them alot about 5 years ago, and it would literally run w/ blood.

this may sound strange but, i went to the doctor and the first thing he asked me was if it was from the front of the nose or from more inside.
he said that if its from the front, (90% of the time it is), that its not a "problem". its caused from low iron, dry air, any sort of blood thinner s such as asprin, ect....

if its comes from further back in the canal, then its something to worry about.

do u pick your nose alot? hahaha. j/k, try that nasal spray thats saline solution
