bjs045 videos? wtf?


New Member
So I haven't made this video public yet, it can only be viewed here. Should I post it public? Was the lane splitting to much? Let me know.

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Cool video. ^_^ Yah that Lexus that crossed the quadruple line was an ass... I didn't think the lane splitting was too much Don't ppl post these types of videos on YouTube all the time? :headscratch:
Cool video. ^_^ Yah that Lexus that crossed the quadruple line was an ass...

The thing was....the Lexus could have just slid in behind me. But no....he had to speed up and cross in front of me. Vid didn't show me giving him the 1 finger peace sign either LOL.

I didn't think the lane splitting was too much Don't ppl post these types of videos on YouTube all the time? :headscratch:

LOL your probably right. But when I first got on the freeway I was just going with the flow of traffic. I've been riding that same route for over a year now and there's always a near accident when you just blend in the flow of traffic.

I started riding that way after following CHP's lol. It's called Defensively Aggressive lol. Now I'm the first to admit I probably went too aggressive with some splitting.
lol... I tend to agree...Sometimes the best defense is a strong offense. ^_^

That is, riding defensively won't always protect you against slow, oblivious, erratic drivers. best way is to power past them quickly and put some distance between u, behind other cars... xP
I definitely would not like to have that as a commute every day.
+1 for lane splitting? Too bad people would definatly kill us here if we tried that..
The drivers around here are a mix of IL/MO/IA drivers and alot are just CRAZY! Plus most cops would see it as improper lane usage and hunt you down
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Cool video. ^_^ Yah that Lexus that crossed the quadruple line was an ass... I didn't think the lane splitting was too much Don't ppl post these types of videos on YouTube all the time? :headscratch:
I struggle with this. He was an ass, but the rider is passing in the bus lane and on the shoulder, and splitting lanes. Isn't that a double standard? I'm sure there were a lot of drivers thinking the rider was an ass.

Don't get me wrong, to each his own, but we need to be safe ourselves. I've seen a guy knocked down splitting lanes. It's not the safest way to ride, hence the reason it's illegal in a lot of places.
Well its a typical commute for me as well, being in the LA area sure teaches you to ride aggressively to be safe. I think it isn't too much lane splitting, only because I do it as well, but a lot of people might think otherwise, because it is illegal in a lot of other areas.
I know it's not illegal in a lot of places, but helmets aren't mandatory everywhere either.

There have been a lot of threads lately about being safe and avoiding trouble. I just think lane splitting is asking for it. People in cars don't see bikes quite often. You need to increase your odds of a safe return, not decrease them.

I have a lot of fun on the open road, but don't take chances in traffic.
There have been a lot of threads lately about being safe and avoiding trouble.

I have a lot of fun on the open road, but don't take chances in traffic.

Chucker I understand where you're coming from. I must admit (again) some of my choices to pass weren't politically correct in some eyes. Unfortunately riding here in California breeds a different beast.

I just think lane splitting is asking for it. People in cars don't see bikes quite often. You need to increase your odds of a safe return, not decrease them.

I agree that people in cars don't see bikes quite often. In fact they don't even see us when we're right in front of them. Hence that gixxer guy getting rear ended. Also it's a proven fact that it's safer not to sit in traffic, well here in cali, dunno about anywhere else.

Others envy Cali for its weather and almost year around riding...but the truth is, it's the most dangerous place to ride.
Chucker I understand where you're coming from. I must admit (again) some of my choices to pass weren't politically correct in some eyes. Unfortunately riding here in California breeds a different beast.

I agree that people in cars don't see bikes quite often. In fact they don't even see us when we're right in front of them. Hence that gixxer guy getting rear ended. Also it's a proven fact that it's safer not to sit in traffic, well here in cali, dunno about anywhere else.

Others envy Cali for its weather and almost year around riding...but the truth is, it's the most dangerous place to ride.

Sorry Guys,, Boy I have to agree with Chucker. Now everyone rides differently and to their comfort level but I for one could not lane split. For me it is to dangerous. Yeah I know I am a old fart(54) but I would not think of doing it in my car,let alone my bike. Besides here in Nova Scotia Canada I am pretty sure that it would be illegal. So everyone, please ride in your comfort zone and be safe. Laurence (Laurie)
Sorry Guys,, Boy I have to agree with Chucker. Now everyone rides differently and to their comfort level but I for one could not lane split. For me it is to dangerous. Yeah I know I am a old fart(54) but I would not think of doing it in my car,let alone my bike. Besides here in Nova Scotia Canada I am pretty sure that it would be illegal. So everyone, please ride in your comfort zone and be safe. Laurence (Laurie)

No need to say sorry. Your words are welcomed. I did ask for people thoughts and was expecting to get flamed for it.

At the time I didn't feel it was to aggressive. But after watching the video...shows how emotion can get the better of ya.

On a good note. The ride into work today was nice and smooth. Nobody tried to kill me and I didn't have to split much. :D
I can see how splitting could be done safely. It's the cruising right through the middle of a bunch of cars that scares me. One bonehead deciding to nose over could put an end to an otherwise good day.

Besides that, it is illegal here in Ontario. I believe they call it dangerous driving, which makes it worse if you're caught.
No way and no thanks on lane splitting for me!! Even if it was legal where I lived, I don't want to tempt death like that. I call it the lug nut rule. He with the most lug nuts always wins in an accident. Car vs bike, car wins. Truck vs car, truck wins. Truck vs train, train wins....LOL

I don't condemn anyone else that does it, but they are just crazy.

My brother, who is a retired cop from SoCal, used to tell me stories of people in cars that would intentionally open up their car door, or cut off motocycles that were splitting lanes, in road rage type incidents. He prided himself in trying to get the cager's admissions and intent, so that he could charge them with homicide. He lost so many motorcops under his command, from accidents, that he seriously considered disbanding the unit entirely, as people just don't watch for cycles.
i usually only lane split if (a) my stupid friends are riding too fast and leaving me way, way, WAY behind... >=( or (b) i see safe openings to do it. honest for goodness, 98% of the time, i don't lane split- only because riding is not my commute or transportation. for me it's leisurely activity. so, i try to avoid risking it.

but, like i said... there are times when the best defense is a strong offense. the only way to be safe around some erratic drivers is just to put some distance between yourself and them. and, if that means splitting to power ahead of them- when it's safe to do so- then the benefit can outweigh the risks.

hint: Soccer Moms In Mini-Vans Alert: :lol:

Thank you for reminding me why I do not live in a big urban area. Especially ones like LA.
To answer your question, "should I make it public?"
I would not make anything public that showed me doing something illegal. It then becomes evidence. Not saying you did, or that some one is coming after you, but down the road someone could use it against you.
As a good friend used to say, " Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone is not out to get you."
As to riding around here like that, well it just isn't safe. We have too many genetically impaired drivers.
