Biggest pansy or biggest bawls for posting?

^^^^ it died in the woods shortly after, lol...

screw deer, I wish their was a way to prevent them from getting onto the roads more though, those bastards are a pain in the butt.

I'd say just build a ton of bridges but we apparently can't keep our few bridges we have intact and working right....
^^^^ it died in the woods shortly after, lol...

screw deer, I wish their was a way to prevent them from getting onto the roads more though, those bastards are a pain in the butt.

I'd say just build a ton of bridges but we apparently can't keep our few bridges we have intact and working right....

nope were to busy supporting illegal aliens with funding to live instead of managing the things that need attention. :zombie:
i dno everyone here is giving him sh!t for screaming but have you ever hit a dear? its the scariest thing in the effing world! lol when i hit the dear in my car it scared me so much i screamed like some one was stabbing me to death.....i didnt scream help...i didnt call 911 i called my girlfriend first lol......then managed to drive home.....then cried about the damage done to my brand new then one month old car.....i still dno if i screamed more because of the dear or my car..... but i screamed even more when that f$%ker got up and limped away.....lookin at me like teh f&^k man!

I guess that just one of those things where everyone reacts their own way. And yes I have hit a deer before, I was driving of all things a limo, came around a corner and there she was, well at that time I thought it was a huge doe, but just standing right in the middle of the damn road and that 92 caddy wasn't going to stop in time so I tried to swerve but the front tires just pushed, seeing how it was really no joke 6,660 with no one in it and about 15-20 ft long. I hit it with the entire right half front end or it's back end. I saw shit go flying and I didn't freak out I was pissed, I remember very clearly yelling " you son of a F***in B***h!" after I stopped the car and checked it out which was completely f'd I went looking for the dear. I found it about 30ft back from where I stopped and a good bit off the road, and it was still alive to my amazement. It was actually a huge buck it had just lost its antlers for the year, but it's back right leg was mangled and it looked like everything from its stomach back was paralyzed, his rear legs weren't moving at all nor his tail, but he tried the best he could to pull himself away with his forelegs. So of course I'm still not going to freak out, I went back to the limo and got my gun and did the humane thing and put him down.

By the way I sold the limo after that weekend lol. I got it for free from a storage lot, they had like 4 people try to get it running to take it and none of them had any luck, i knew the owner of the lot and he finally mentioned it to me, he said if I can get it running and get it out of there I can HAVE it. Well I had it running and drove it home after a hr of messing with it. Once i got it home i had new tires put on it, did a few other things on it, and of course ran straight pipes on it! Yes straight pipes on a limo, hell it had a chevy 350 in it so i figured why the hell not! i only had it for like 2 weeks before this happened but man those 2 weekends were epic riding around in this old beat up limo just me and my friends gettin wasted. I'll never forget this one night when we all went out to a strip club and were leaving, I told them to wait out front and I'll bring the limo around. Being young drunk and obnoxious they all started yelling where the hell is our damn limo, and man that driver sucks, people were staring at them like yeah, limo, right.... Well I come flying around the corner tires blazing, dropped it in neutral and let that 350 start banging the rev limiter when I finally stopped. Every single person was laughing so hard they almost fell over or puked....

Yeah that night was one for the record books....

at least he is respectful and polite on the phone. but he should really rub some dirt on it. fashion a rudimentary splint out of the deer antlers and bind it with pieces of the deer's intestines, throw the deer carcass over his shoulder, suck it up and ride home.

what a wuss. remember WWCD (what would Chuck do?) of course this would not happen to Mr. Norris as the deer would have been turned to a red vapor from a roundhouse kick from the bike.
