Bad and Brutal MotoGP Start


New Member
[ame=]YouTube - Bad and brutal start to MotoGP Race[/ame]

Those guys really had a bad day:eek:
Omg... He got hit straight on. He had his hand raised signaling engine trouble? How did he get hit from behind so badly? Seems like that other racer wasn't paying attention and just gunning the start? =(
Omg... He got hit straight on. He had his hand raised signaling engine trouble? How did he get hit from behind so badly? Seems like that other racer wasn't paying attention and just gunning the start? =(

From what I heard he stalled out at the start, no one knew as in races you think about that perfect start. Everyone thinks about themselves not the person in front of them.
"A sad accident, the driver Tristan Lentink has stalled at the start of the SuperSport 600cc Grand Prix in Assen and the 35 drivers behind him have not all managed to avoid it ... An impressive board that swept several meters , leaving him almost dead with a fractured pelvis, a fractured femur, two broken legs, the muscle of a torn knee and bladder exploded. "
After reading his injuries, it made my stomach turn....

As a racer, he did nothing wrong. Accidents happen, but he held his line, even while stalled. It is the duty of other racers to try and avoid him. Someone was not paying enough attention. It is different if they are both going into a corner or inches apart at speed,and one rider goes down and takes both out. I think this could have been avoided, but that is just my opinion. I hope everyone makes full recoveries.
From what I heard he stalled out at the start, no one knew as in races you think about that perfect start. Everyone thinks about themselves not the person in front of them.
"A sad accident, the driver Tristan Lentink has stalled at the start of the SuperSport 600cc Grand Prix in Assen and the 35 drivers behind him have not all managed to avoid it ... An impressive board that swept several meters , leaving him almost dead with a fractured pelvis, a fractured femur, two broken legs, the muscle of a torn knee and bladder exploded. "

Not to make light of his injuries but shouldn't you go pee before a race?
either Houdini was riding that motorcycle or that guy got clipped pretty good ...either way WOW that was a bad crash
Not to make light of his injuries but shouldn't you go pee before a race?

You would think so.... But just today after Jonathan Rea won the first WSBK race at the BRNO Czech circuit, all he said he was thinking about for the first several laps was getting to the toilet. :rof:
You would think so.... But just today after Jonathan Rea won the first WSBK race at the BRNO Czech circuit, all he said he was thinking about for the first several laps was getting to the toilet. :rof:

I'm thinking that since they must sweat a lot during the race, in order to stay hydrated, they must drink lots of water before the race. I think a hydrobac would be too heavy.

So it could be true that they all suffer from a full bladder at the beginning of the race. I unloaded before my return trip home last night as my suspension is stiff and race ready.;)
U can still rupture your bladder even if it's empty. The painful thing is he may need a catheter for months until it heals. They insert a wire diameter tube thru ur penis up into ur urinary tract and it's attached to a plastic bag that collects urine and acts like a substitute bladed. =(

U can still rupture your bladder even if it's empty. The painful thing is he may need a catheter for months until it heals. They insert a wire diameter tube thru ur penis up into ur urinary tract and it's attached to a plastic bag that collects urine and acts like a substitute bladed. =(


My best friend had bladder cancer and they used a portion of the small intestine to replace it. It makes mucus and he had to catheterize himself multiple times to clear the blockage.

