Anyone in the military?


New Member
I'm shipping out to af tech school at misery fort lost in the woods (Ft. Leonard Wood, MO)

I was wondering if I can bring my bike during my time there. I'll be staying in ft. leonard wood for about 3 months. I do not wish to sell my bike and let it sit in the garage for the time I'm away.

Thank you!
I'm shipping out to af tech school at misery fort lost in the woods (Ft. Leonard Wood, MO)

I was wondering if I can bring my bike during my time there. I'll be staying in ft. leonard wood for about 3 months. I do not wish to sell my bike and let it sit in the garage for the time I'm away.

Thank you!

Dunno what its called in the AF but no you cant. Depending on your living arrangements you might be able to ask your c.o but generally no.
damn that sucks :(

I'm too comfortable with a vehicle and have to put 2 of them in storage for 8 months in total :banghead:
It all depends on what your orders say. If anything ask your sponsor or a Senior NCO at that command. dont be afraid to ask questions. A closed mouth doesnt get fed
Lost in the woods!!!!!!!Sorry man!!!! But to answer your question; The answer will be no if :

1. you dont have the MSF course and all the military requirements necessaries to ride on post.
2. Some schools put limitations , like example no weapons (POW) when in school.

But to be in the save side, just call the school where you going to and they will answer all questions you have.
back in the 90's, you could have a vehicle during tech school, but you couldn't leave base until a certain time... maybe four weeks on base, four weeks night curfew and then almost like being at your duty station.... 'cept with... uh.... daily inspections.... and all that... so if you're only in school three months, might be best to wait. Plus you will have to have the mil riders course

Just to piggy back on you a bit here... It's way too much of a headache to get a bike onto a base you're only gonna be at for three months. Even if you're licensed you're required to take the MSF course. Getting the paperwork routed through your chain of command, and actually getting the dates scheduled is going to be the hardest part. You will not, WILL NOT, be excused from any classes for the MSF. 3 day course, weekends are only 2.

Hate to burst your bubble but its better than giving you hope and getting shot down later. Just get a friend/family member to hold it for you. Ask 'em to give it a spin around the block once or twice a week for you.
Thanks for the replies! I think I'm gonna have my gf ride around the block while I'm away and leave it at my parents house (Since they're the only ones I know that doesn't have an occupied garage).

Any tips on putting your bike in storage? (For the winter)
Seafoam it, then disconnect your battery leave it on a battery tender or have your parents start it weekly
Does the bike need to be ridden or just start it up like how you normally warm up your bike? (Let it warm up to under 1k rpms)

its better if its ridden, but if that cant happen have em start it. but then you have to do maintenance every so often. (chain cleaning and washing etc..)
