Another Aussie On Board


Hey guys, been looking for a site like this so I've joined up!

Got the 13 white fz6r and its pretty good so far. I'm only young so still lots to learn on the road and from everyone here.

Any other people around Sydney with the bike as well?

Here's a photo of my baby anyway :)

Obviously the one at the back.
Welcome! Looks good!:)
Damn there are a lot of Aussies on here. Love the international flavor here, great looking bike, I have the white as well but the 12 so no red frame piece. its a great all around bike, stay safe and wear gear :)
Awesome stuff!!!!

Funny that my friend while at the dealer looking at bikes said, "man that white and red is hot! How often do you see a white bike?" So I bought it!!!

Next thing you know.....

They're everywhere!!!!

Well in Melbourne anyway lol
Awesome stuff!!!!

Funny that my friend while at the dealer looking at bikes said, "man that white and red is hot! How often do you see a white bike?" So I bought it!!!

Next thing you know.....

They're everywhere!!!!

Well in Melbourne anyway lol

That happens with everything you buy. You just notice them more since you own one now. I added a bunch or red to mine, I don't have the red frame bar so it seemed like it needed a little more. Put on red grips,fairing bolts, gas cover, those black gel stickers on the tank, I bought some smaller red ones and put them on the ends of my sliders. Then I put some red LED on it and I think it looks pretty cool now.
Welcome Tanoz!

Nice ride indeed,
I was considering the ER-6N myself until I stumbled across my XJ6S, but still appreciate the look of them
Cheers guys! Feels good to ride on it so far. It's incredibly smooth.

I need one of the tank protectors though which I honestly forgot to buy.
And a better fitting jacket, a friend gave me his old one so I'm fairly well protected for now.

Got any advice besides take it slow ?
I've been practicing slow driving and turning in 1st and 2nd and found it helped greatly in general.
Well that was short lived, after a month of having the bike, a lady managed to knock it over whilst it was parked.

So off to insurance it goes for 5 weeks minimum until its repaired. Sigh. On the plus side, least my 2k premium is going to good use?
Yeah that was going to be my advice, "watch out where you park"
you have to keep this in the back of your head every time...

Is someone going to knock it over?? Is it in the way?? If a car is looking for a parking spot, will they see it before turning in??

Other than that, practice your slow riding, emergency braking both in a straight line and on turns. This so far has saved me on one occasion where the driver entering the roundabout was oblivious to the fact that she had to give me way, she stopped half way through it once she finally saw me coming, I stopped using both front and rear brakes at an arms length from her!!!!
A woman knocked it over ? That sucks. That's like that woman that ran over 2 kids and a mum yesterday while doing a 3 point turn while dropping off her own kid at school, like there's kids around, I'm presuming their eyes work obviously the brain does not.

Tips :
I'd recommend to ride every day until you get good. Don't ride tired or cold.

Don't ride beside other cars as they can change lane.

If you feel uncomfortable, slow down and stay comfortable. Always stay comfortable, you'll get faster over time.

If in doubt, slow down and stay in the same lane.

Stay to the left for the most part if you don't know what is around the corner or over a crest.

If you see parked cars, driveways, lines of stopped traffic, animals, prams, balls, kids etc, slow down immediately.

I'm all for safety, once you get your Ps, you know what to do about that throttle stop.

Read Twist of the Wrist II to find out more about controlling the bike.
Hey I'm another Aussie (Sydney rider ) Great bike you will be very happy with it. I've got the white 2010 model and I love it. The best thing I can offer is to join a local Sydney group called the Sydney 250cc (or lams ) riders club they go on rides every weekend and Wednesday Thursday rides and the good thing is there all learns so everyone is new. It's a good group I've done a few rides with them and they are well organised and lots of fun. .

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5 weeks wait over Christmas for repairs would sting, as long as she only knocked it over, not sent it flying.

I'd be parking on the footpath for awhile after that, I heard that's legal in Victoria.

Not sure if that's actually legal here in Sydney, I've been to Melbourne and had to look twice when I saw it.

Cheers for the tips guys, Im keen to looking into that Sydney group. I actually spent my first week practising at night in my local shopping centres carpark. 1st gear primarily and 2nd here and there. Watched a few videos on here of the U turns and figure 8s and just gave them a whirl until I could preform them well. Had me riding no problems (locally) in a very short time.

As for riding longer distances and areas im not familiar with, I made my friend who is on his 3rd stage of his license ( only 4 stages, green Ps for people here) ride with me to a location and it helped a lot. Did a couple of those and now ive been riding everywhere in Sydney no problem.

Im fortunate enough in that i plan to take the bike in after New years, expecting a 6 week wait as its her insurance paying for it but being able to borrow a friends bike for the last 2 weeks at least.
