And He Nailed That Landing, Bob!


New Member
Luckiest guy ever - watch till the end...

[ame=]YouTube -[/ame]
wow, the reporter says that the rider, amazingly, did a mid-air 360 and then landed on both feet... (though the landing is not in camera view on the tape.) the truck driver stopped right away to make sure he was ok and then reported the accident to traffic police and waited for them to show up. but, oddly, the rider left the scene, left his bike, and didn't report the accident... maybe he 'no have any insurance' eh? <lol>
holy crap, he doesn't need gear... he can do a 360 land on his feet and still walk away... why didn't they teach that in the MSF course? :rof:

He's that guy that can not wear a seat belt, roll his car five times, get flung clear of the vehicle, and still walk away.
