Almost crashed into aluminium sighting on WA167


New Member
So I was driving into work this morning on my motorcycle up WA 167 and I am in the HOV lane and about 400 feet ahead of me is this roofing company truck. I see this gray block go flying up into the air and have a total o shit moment when this aluminum siding hits the middle lane barley missing a car and slides across into the right lane leaving siding spread across the lanes. So I am doing 65 MPH and slow to 55, I think now I wasn’t paying too much attention to my speed. So I do a quick swerve to the middle lane where the least amount of siding is and its lying flat.:eek: I blow through it barely missing the big block of this stuff and only running over a few pieces of siding. Now I’m lucky I wasn’t following too closely nor have a piece slip from under my tire and take me down. Talk about a moment that I almost shit myself don’t worry I checked!:eek:
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Glad you made it out in one piece! This is a good lesson as to why you should not follow close to anyone.
o and if figures that i didnt have my GoPro mounted and recording :(

Thats usually when the good stuff happens... when you forget your camera! :D The one time I didnt take my camera on a ride, I rode into the side of a mountain! haha
well luckily the mountain survived lol kidding. I am guessing you where okay?

Totaled bike, dislocated shoulder, messed up ankle and right side bruised up. Knocked unconscious going head first into a log and rolling back down into the road. Wasnt too fun.
Earth 1 Jay 0

:justkidding: Still amazes me every time I read about your accident. Glad you are still around to tell us about it.
Where is that story? Would be an interesting read!

Anyways, glad both of you are ok!
I only met Mrs. Pavement and Mr Curb. I think Dr Mountain would have been a wee bit more freaky!

Very lucky indeed that the tire didnt spin on that piece of Siding also! Glad everything "rolled" in your favor there!

o its Siding not sighting oops lol
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Too bad sombody didn't get the company name or truck number. In Wa it is a huge ticket now for not securing your load ever since that piece of furniture went through that woman's windshield and severely disabled her.

Too bad sombody didn't get the company name or truck number. In Wa it is a huge ticket now for not securing your load ever since that piece of furniture went through that woman's windshield and severely disabled her.

What part of Redmond do you live I work at Microsoft's main campus?
