almost bought the farm last night



So i was riding home from helping a buddy with his bike... Just cruising home on CR-40 between Carver,mn-Belle Plaine,mn at about 65 i saw about 1/2 up a car had come to a stop sign on a side road.
I kept an eye on him figuring he would go because there was plenty of room..but no he waited and waited looking right at me so i started to think ok cool he doesn't want to slow me down(STUPID THOUGHT)
I get about 100ft from the road he is on and he guns it turns my way right in my lane and slams on the brakes at an angle blocking most all of the road. and the position i was in my only response with a car coming from other direction was to slam into the Cager or take my chances with the shoulder/ditch/farm field.....
nice smooth black top pulled the front brake and locked my rear brake up trying to kill as much speed as i could before i got to the edge.
i was doing about 30 as i hit the shoulder, I started to lose control of the bike and figured well this is going to hurt(took a quick eye shot of the cager and he was laughing) the loose gravel pulled me into the ditch about a 3ft drop from road height the bike actually made a smooth drop down and right into the farm field still doing about 20,
the angle i was on i kept the throttle open just a bit and i managed to pull back onto the farm entrance road the second i hit the blacktop again i locked the back tire again and stopped.
I looked back and dude was about a mile down the road already. myself along with another bike that was coming down the road and saw what happend went after him but we couldn't catch him. Bike sustained no damage(looked it over this morning) the back tire is a little stressed but no danger and no flat spots... sorry for the long read but HOLY HE** i thought i was dead. came home and :iconbeer:


New Member
I did something simular...came to a stop light guy in front of me started to make a break in traffic then slammed on his brakes as i was moving and looking for the next break...needless to say i rear ended him and dropped my bike cause the jumbo sized jet space he had wasnt good enough...thank god for frame sliders...glad you kept the rubber down
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New Member
Glad you are ok and that you were able to save the bike. What an ass. be sure to watch out for him again if you are ever in that area. It would be nice if you could find him and report it.


New Member
Shoulda had knobbies on, what were you thinking?

Nice job turning a nightmare into merely an inconvenience. You never know if you have the skills until crunch time.


Just hoping it doesn't ever happen again i don't think i have what it takes to pull it off again


New Member
Glad you made it out alright. That would have scared me to death. Stupid cagers. Think he might have done it on purpose?


New Member
I would have found just what the top speed of the bike was and caught up to the cager and popped all 4 tires and possibly him too.
That is outrageous and he WILL kill a biker doing this.

Ride with helmet or bike mounted cams people.


New Member
I would have found just what the top speed of the bike was and caught up to the cager and popped all 4 tires and possibly him too.
That is outrageous and he WILL kill a biker doing this.

Ride with helmet or bike mounted cams people.
Road Rash style


New Member
I would drive back up that road and see if I could spot his car then call highway patrol - if it wasn't on purpose he would have stopped to see if you were ok


if i had $$ for cam i would. i know he did it on purpose. you could tell the intent when he pulled into my lane and stopped they way he did. the Cager was only like 20ish? me and the other biker were going about 115 on a back road trying to catch him but after it happend i stopped for about 10seconds to check that nothing was broke or leaking and he asked if i was good and i said KILL THAT SON OF A BITC*and he said NO Problem


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


He better home that's not his normal road because i drive that road every day! Game over if i see him again


New Member
sorry to hear about the mishap, but good to know u r ok & averted what could've been so much worse...

i would still call the highway patrol and report the incident. although u don't have a plate, u can still provide a description of the car (color/ make/ model/ driver etc.). and, they will log an incident in case it happens again. in some instances, it might be construed as him deliberately causing a vehicle accident and then fleeing the scene.

there are so many a-holes out there, and the thing is, u just have to be extra careful in the future. usually, it's teenagers/ younger folks doing this kind of crap. these kids have no respect for anything or anyone and get kicks outta creating trouble and watching ppl suffer. hopefully karma will do it's job in due time...

stay safe.


New Member
The truth be known, there ain't any car in the world faster than a speeding bullet and he will be tested sooner or later. You are safe so just be glad and don't waste any more time on this.

Be careful out there.

See red

New Member
Glad your ok, on two lanes I see a car pulled over I creep because of simalar circumstances. Bad juju for the d-bag though. Some day he will think it's funny or cute, and someone will be hurt. Maybe he gets really lucky, and he decides he likes bikes. Then perhaps he can meet the next d-bag.


New Member
Scary enough that people in cars look right thru us and fail to see us - even scarier when a SOB sees you and intentionally tries to nail you. Maybe he'll fall asleep one night and hit the backend of a stopped tractor trailer on the shoulder while doing 70. David


New Member
Glad you are ok. I caught up to one once blcked him and called PD. He just got a hefty fine. I really just wanted to smash his window out with my helmet. Maybe next time. The fine just didn't seem harsh enough.
