A solemn question about life and how you would react?


New Member
Okay so this comes from a weird series of events.....

Three key factors of where the question came from:
Playing call of duty
Sever thunderstorm
Sinco De mayo Drunkenness(many margaritas and shots of captain morgan black)

A guy asks so whos going to preorder the new black ops
I said I wouldnt get it
He goes "why not....it may be the last call of duty you get to play..."
I go "what do you mean?"
He goes "the end of the world man"

at that moment a rolling thunder boomer hit our place so hard the floors shook, walls shook, lights flickered and it kept booming.....

In my drunken'ness I had a profound thought

What would you do if the world does actually start to end? This start being obliderated around you, catastrophic storms, famine, war....what ever may cause it.....At that moment when you realise there is nothing you can do to stop the end of it all......what feeling do you have in your mind and body?

Would you feel angry, cheated of a full life, sad, would you cry? Would you scream? Would you go steal or do something you never could have before but because nothing matters and its all over now what would you do? would you feel you wasted your life, would you think of all your regrets? Would you hug your loved ones and hold them. . . . . Im not joking this thought almost brought me to tears knowing one day I wont have a choice....it could be tonight, could be tomorrow, could be 10 years from now, we don't know. I thought I had accepted the fact life happens and life ends, but holy shit idk if it was the booze or what but it felt like such a deep and profound feeling that actually scared me considerably to think about.....

On a side note....I love you guys.
I am a Christian. Not a good one but never the less I have zero fear of death.
I would spend my final time with my family sharing our love and protect them for as long as I can. No regrets.
so right now if bombs started hitting around your city and ou realise you cant do anything....you still have no fear of one hitting and ending everything for you and your family?
so right now if bombs started hitting around your city and ou realise you cant do anything....you still have no fear of one hitting and ending everything for you and your family?

No fear whatsoever..We are all Christians. I'd comfort the kids and accept death with open arms.

Cheers, and enjoy your Cinco De Beero!

In California where we have celebrated May 5th longer than most other states we call it "Drinko De Mayo"
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i watch "doomsday preppers" and think to myself "those guys are nuts" but deep down i would like to have a stash of food and supplies. but not enough to warrant purchasing them.

i dont worry about the world ending. if it does, so be it. i cant stop it.

i will just put on my road warrior Halloween costume. put a human scalp or two on my bike and go rogue.
Well if you know it's gonna happen , you gotta spend it with the ones you love . I would be upset regardless of my religious beliefs though because you are in fact going to lose your loved ones and that sucks . As far as last COD ever I'd be ok ending with mw3 .
You know what I'd want to do if I knew the world was coming to an end, right now? I'd want to have sex with an end-of-the-world gorgeous woman. Crazy, life is ending, screw it all, nasty sex. On my motorcycle.

You sir have got the master plan downnnn!!
i will just put on my road warrior Halloween costume. put a human scalp or two on my bike and go rogue.

This. Except I'm going to steal the first KLR I find and ditch the street bike.
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It's gonna be a "MAD MAX-BEYOND THUNDERDOME" life for me.

Shotgun, Side-arm, and Snatch are the only things I'll need to have. If you have those you can take anything you need.
Being an agnostic, I feel that there's something after this life for certain.

Doesn't mean I want to leave this one now.

I'd try to survive as best I can, because as madmike says, it's a natural reaction. One, you might say, God designed and put into you. So yes, you will be afraid, but when it comes, it comes. You can only do what you can do.
Being an agnostic, I feel that there's something after this life for certain.

Doesn't mean I want to leave this one now.

I'd try to survive as best I can, because as madmike says, it's a natural reaction. One, you might say, God designed and put into you. So yes, you will be afraid, but when it comes, it comes. You can only do what you can do.

but my question is what will YOU do?

I think someone has too much time on his hands. :D

I'd pop an anxiety pill and not worry about it my dear. It'll consume your thoughts and scare/depress you which is not a way to live.

On another note, I do want to have babies before all this end of the world happens though, so I pretty much asked God to fore go it for another 1000 years or so and he said no problem. So, don't worry about it CC! I got you!

Plus, we'll open a forum in Heaven and we'll all be friends there too! :cool:
