5500 km bike trip in a few months

im going on my very first vacation of my life soon. im thinking of heading west to the coast and seeing the ocean for the first time. then from there ill take a ferry north and take a long route back and stop at hot springs and a few land marks along the way. the google maps calculated milage is 5500 km and thats about the approximate milage thats on the bike right now. all in a week and a half lol. but its going to be good. is the fz6r going to hold up to 3 saddle bags of gear and 8-10 hours of riding a day? and also i know factory tires dont last long and they have 5500 km on them now, will i be ok to go another 5500+?


New Member
The real question is can YOU last 8-10 hours a day. The FZ6R, and pretty much any modern bike, can take a trip like that, no problem. In fact, that kind of steady cruising probably results in less wear than say commuting.

I toured all over Nova Scotia with three hard cases and my girlfriend on the back. The only thing you need to worry about is lubing the chain every 1000 km or so. We weigh about 300 lbs. combined. Plus we had about 50 lbs. of gear stuffed into the cases.

My OEM tires did wear almost down to the wear bars after only 10 000 kms, but I'm guessing it was from a lot of high speed riding (100-140 kph). Not sure why, really, but I was disappointed with my tire life.

Your real concern should be comfort for the trip. A windscreen and seat you're happy with, and a throttle rocker, with possibly some bar risers, and you will be good for all day riding. Plus make sure your gear is good. Good rain gear is a must. I really love my electric vest. So comforting on long rides.

One last bit of advice: Don't ride after dark! Every time I've done that, it's sucked big time.


New Member
ive done 8 hour rides so thats not an issue. im more than ready. im a little bit worried about the tiresthough.
You probably need to plan for a set of replacement tires somewhere during the last half of the trip. With that much riding in a relatively short time, you will appreciate the down time :D
Be careful, pace yourself and smell some roses. Start a thread when you begin the trip and please post daily. I, for one, would love to hear about your adventure first hand.


New Member
I'd definitely search for tire shops on the way back just in case man.


New Member
I did 2,711 miles & 10 states last year in two weeks, with a tent & sleeping bag on the back. The bike will go all day, check out some of my pics in my album.
