4 All U Cali Riders Group Ride 2 Laguna Seca

Once again it was great hagning out with you all here is a few pics of the 4.E.F crew that meet up at laguna seca / motoGP at mazda raceway.

I will post pics and or vid of the bikes later today or tomorrow

Nice! I want to go to one of these events someday. You know if theres anything like this around LA County or nearby?
Once again it was great hagning out with you all here is a few pics of the 4.E.F crew that meet up at laguna seca / motoGP at mazda raceway.

I will post pics and or vid of the bikes later today or tomorrow

That was a great time. It was nice to meet everyone and spend the day, well, part of the day, at the track. Next time we need a better navigator. Just kidding Will. Had a blast!!!:steve:
HEY HEY HEY lol lets stick to blaming willcall for now cause that took us out of the route thanks to well this person should remain nameless but its Issics falt lol
HEY HEY HEY lol lets stick to blaming willcall for now cause that took us out of the route thanks to well this person should remain nameless but its Issics falt lol

Hahaha. Ok lets blame it on will call. They did have that in a strange place.
