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  1. D


    So lately I've been looking at some motorcycle boots and I found a pair or two that were within my price range that looked like they would be okay. My biggest problem with the boots(not motorcycle-specific boots), is that they're a bit loose and I really don't feel very comfortable riding with...
  2. D


    Okay so, on my bike I have a stock on the front and a Q2 on the rear(didn't do it, guy that had it before me did), and the front wheel is starting to look a wee bit bald. Still had some tread on it, but I'm going to have to replace it soon. Back wheel doesn't have much wear at all, still looks...
  3. D

    Proper Shifting Points

    Hey guys, I was curious if there are any proper shifting points for our bike. I had a manual car before, and generally when I reached x speed I'd switch to second gear, x speed I'd go to second, etc. Does that also apply to shifting on a bike, or is it more a matter of personal preference and...
  4. D

    Frame spiders/travel bags

    Hey guys I was curious about frame sliders and travel bags. What are some good quality examples of each? I don't think my fairings have slots for sliders like my buddy's gsxr. And I was thinking about a bag on my back seat or a tank bag. Something I can carry a laptop or a few school books in...
