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  1. D

    Probably too young!

    I also strongly recommend the MSF. Once you get done with it, your confidence will go way up. Before I took it, my bike scared the freaking crap out of me. Afterwards, it was nowhere near as bad. Since you already have more previous experience, it won't do anything but help you get more...
  2. D

    What did you do to your bike today?

    How do you like those shorties man? I was thinking about a pair but I'm not sure if I want to upgrade my bike yet.
  3. D

    and so the winter blues begins....

    Record Lowest Temperatures by State | Colder there than in VA, but we also don't have deserts or bigger mountains like the Rockies here. That's just general, by state, though.
  4. D

    and so the winter blues begins....

    Yeah man, gets miiiiighty chilly down here at times too. Hoping I can ride on into late november, maybe early december, before it gets to be too much. Need to acquire some long johns...early mornings with just jeans is flippin' COLD!
  5. D

    What did you do to your bike today?

    What do you guys wash with? Just water and dish soap??
  6. D

    Why do you ride?

    I've used the "It's like flying." analogy more times than I can count, but it still doesn't even come close. There's just something about it, some feeling it creates deep inside. Trying to explain it is like being underwater and watching the millions of things going on at a coral reef and...
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    What is your favorite BEER!?

    NO YOU CAN'T I ONLY HAVE ONE POINT!! Yuengling is my second favorite
  8. D

    What is your favorite BEER!?

    Ah man...if I really had to pick one out of all of them...I'd probably have to go with Budweiser.
  9. D

    Motorcycle Pictures... Post All Your Pics Here

    Yeah he's busted his *** a couple of times from getting too wild on it. It goes up to like, 14mph, so when he gets down on it and tries to jump the median in the middle of the gravel driveway...odd things occur. Sup physics lol.
  10. D

    Motorcycle Pictures... Post All Your Pics Here

    Here's a picture of me on my bike(have since bought boots, don't hate on mah shoes). Here's one of me and my nephew. He likes riding up to the end of the driveway. It's pretty long, lol.
  11. D

    MotoGP today (Spoiler Alert!!!!)

    I've been watching these guys in MotoGP for a while, and there's one thing I don't understand. I see the sense in moving your body and hanging off and dragging a knee and stuff. WHY in the heck do these guys take their whole legs off and then re-place them on the pegs and THEN knee-drag? Just...
  12. D

    What Not To Wear (while riding)

    Little does she know that 150 for a helmet is pretty cheap xD
  13. D

    What do you do for a living?

    Worked at Food Lion before, now I'm a veteran's career coach for the local community college. My portion of the WIB area is pretty large, and is around four or five counties on the northern end of our area.
  14. D

    New laws against "bikies" in QLD Australia

    Yeah that's pretty ridiculous, Freddy. That's like getting arrested here in the States for wearing a shirt with a hemp leaf on it. Oh he went to the club house? Sup bro, jail time. That's just ridiculous imo, unless they're like, running drugs out of it or something. Even then, there wouldn't be...
  15. D

    My best bike bro got into his first accident today

    Had it been his fault, I definitely wouldn't have wanted to tell the parents lol. But since it was hers, I think he probably should have gone ahead and done it. Might be too late now, though. I had a lady I thought was going to run a stop sign on me the other day. Lot of people around here like...
  16. D

    What Not To Wear (while riding)

    I get the whole 'I know so-and-so got killed riding their motorcycle by a deer.' pretty often, and then I'm like, "Well did they have on a full helmet? DId they have on boots, or a riding jacket, or whatever?' Answer is usually no. Little skullcap helmet and t-shirt and whatever. In fact...
  17. D

    New laws against "bikies" in QLD Australia

    If these types of laws do anything, it will simply be to make the "bikies" even nastier than they already are. Where-as before they may have simply gone in, did their year or two, and come back out into the they will fight tooth and nail any time they're caught, probably killing or...
  18. D

    quad ski - all in one

    Looks way cool, but 40k? Sheeesh high price. But you're basically getting a decent ATV and a pretty good quality jet ski in one bundle, Understandable.
  19. D

    High-tech helmet w/ GPS, heads-up display, audio, rear view, etc.

    Ditto. Applied for beta testing. Hopefully one of us will get it so we can give the others here a low-down on it :D
  20. D

    Vinyl Wrap Possibilities

    I think they're both pretty boss, bro, but I like the mountains one too. It's just more badass and detailed looking.
