Recent content by wrightme43

  1. W

    New Toy... YFZ450

    rock on man!! Have a blast with it.
  2. W

    I cannot be FZ6inNH any more!

    Enjoy the kickass bike man
  3. W

    Gas fillup issues

    bikes get horrible gas milage when accel and decel is frequent. Commuting to work I get in the low 30s on a long ride I get in the low to mid 40s sometimes higher.
  4. W

    FZ6R Oil Change Question

    Break in is the subject you should search for. Stop the starting and stopping deal man, its bad for them. Change the oil now. New Motorcycle Check list, Break in
  5. W

    Why is it a "girl's bike"?

    How about they are all girls bikes? Except this one. This is a woman sitting on a mans bike for sure.
  6. W

    Why is it a "girl's bike"?

    That they are riding a Yamaha in the FZ family is even better.
  7. W

    Why is it a "girl's bike"?

    I am all for them. More girls on bikes is a win win for us.
  8. W

    So sad

    Also change oil now. The first oil change interval is way way way to long. Its ready now. Your oil will look like a shiny silver and the filter will be full of shiny silver metal particles. Its time now.
  9. W

    Turning the "Power Crystal" into a running light

    Rock on with the coolness. Awesome work.
  10. W

    So whats the deal!?!?!?!

    Big bike Little d#$k
  11. W

    Engine braking ok?

    Oh MY GOD WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait wrong thread. LOL I use engine braking all the time, in cages, on bikes, on four wheelers, it hurts nothing.
  12. W

    Will I pop a wheelie?

    Its not going to do anything you dont tell it to do. Thats not to say you cant tell it to crash and all, just that it is just not going to come up unless you make it.
  13. W

    Not gone, but took a good fall...

    Heal up quick wishes to him.
  14. W

    If you own a fz6!@#$%^ read this please#@$@%$@#%^#

    Ha ha lol lol lol Best post in a week. Rep added
  15. W

    Luggage, Luggage and More Luggage

    Awesome job Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sticking this thread as well. Thanks man. LOL its already done. Good job!!!
