Dumb Question


New Member
Hi everyone,

This may be a stupid question..but..

I just ordered TBR exhaust (Sorry Marthy :( )from motorcyclegear. (I used Nate, great guy and great price!). Thank you for the heads up about him!

I was wondering if I needed to buy a Juice box as well? I know most people buy them together but I am asking if it's required and what the benefit is for it.

Indian :)
most people will tell you that it is vital to correct the fuel to air mixture after installing the TBR (less restrictive exhaust).... others can argue they have gone without it for a while and have seen no damage if you will. their are a ton of threads and posts about this im sure you can find more detailed experienced replies of members who are not active

I bought it just to be safe

Okay good to hear. I'm going to wait a few months and buy one. :)
straight from Two Bros:

" My bike is fuel injected, do I need to make any adjustments or chip changes? A. Generally fuel injected bikes automatically compensate for exhaust and engine related modifications very well. Unless you are building a Superbike motor with over 30% horsepower increases, your stock FI system should work just fine with your new exhaust system and you will reap the benefits immediately. We have however found that with the addition of either a Juice Box™ or a Power Commander with the proper map, the ride-ability of the bike will improve greatly over that of the stock bike and there can be additional performance gains to be had. We carry our own signature Juice Box Fuel Controller and Dynojet Power Commanders for most fuel injected bikes and we can also furnish it with a map just for your machine and our pipe. "

I swear I looked there first lol..damn it now I feel dumb..

Thanks for being my google :p

EDIT: You can delete thread now if you want :)
straight from Two Bros:

" My bike is fuel injected, do I need to make any adjustments or chip changes? A. Generally fuel injected bikes automatically compensate for exhaust and engine related modifications very well. Unless you are building a Superbike motor with over 30% horsepower increases, your stock FI system should work just fine with your new exhaust system and you will reap the benefits immediately. We have however found that with the addition of either a Juice Box™ or a Power Commander with the proper map, the ride-ability of the bike will improve greatly over that of the stock bike and there can be additional performance gains to be had. We carry our own signature Juice Box Fuel Controller and Dynojet Power Commanders for most fuel injected bikes and we can also furnish it with a map just for your machine and our pipe. "
Finally, someone confirms and a professional site. :D
Been saying that for years now. After all, all I do is program automotive computers for a living. :D
True or not, I'd like to see a stock dyno run, stock map/aftermarket exhaust, and aftermarket exhaust with PCV and Marthy maps. May not harm the bike which makes sense since gains are minimal, but I'd be curious as to the variance in horsepower. Maybe a job for someone with access to a dyno and upgrading their exhaust. I love my Marthy adv gear map. Much better pull over stock and I get good mileage. I did try stock map vs marthy map and marthy map is a noticeable difference.
You probably picked up 3 to 4hp (you can't get a lot more horsepower without changing timing some, or making the air pump pump more air) and a more linear power curve is all. You have to make huge engine changes (higher compression, larger cam lobes, forced air, etc..) to make lots more horsepower, laws of physics. An exhaust just makes the air pump pump air more efficiently.
I'll chime in here as well. I just purchased an FZ6R. (First post)

I had it modified with 0 miles on the odometer, Two Brothers Black series exhaust, Motodynamic Tail Light, Accossato Master Cylinder, Galfer Brake Lines, Power Commander V, PUIG Sliders, T-Rex Spools, Competition Works Fender Eliminator and flush mounts front/LED signals back. (Yes, both taillight and signals.)

I'm running Marthy's ADVGear B map with the Accel Pump settings. The bike reminds me of my old R6.

I would go for the PCV. No question.
Should have also mentioned the bike was purchased off the dealer showroom. (Which is why it was a 2009 with 0 miles.)
