
Will be getting one after the new year, unless my husband buys one before then. No idea what gamewise we'll have. Ill have to look up PSN when im home though.
Im a PS loyalist, but I wont be buying it for quite a few months yet, not too many games on the release list, I really only play GT and COD (and dont play the later when the kids are around so limited time to actually play these days),

the main reason I purchased the 3 was as others said, it was cheaper than a blue ray player, I have one in my shed aswell now on the network,

I am tempted to get an Xbox aswell to give Forza a go, although arcade style games on consoles bore the shit out of me compared to the sims I run on my PC.

wait and see...
I'm a PS fan because I think the controller is a million times better than xbox one (i own both systems). Regarding new generation ps4/xbobx one. I decided that I'm gonna wait. There's nothing yet that is incredible different from the currente generation. I have plenty of games to finish so I will wait. probably end up buying both systems later anyway.
(and dont play the later when the kids are around so limited time to actually play these days),

I have the same problem, I'm playing a lot of fifa right now because it's kids friendly. My diablo, gtaV and many other violent games are collecting dust.

My son loves to play a ps2 monster jam game on my ps3. I'm getting the marvel lego for "him" for xmas so we can play it together.
So... I pulled an all night er playing battle field 4. Sick game sick graphics love my PS4 worth ever peny.

Yet to open cod ghost and I've played countless hours of FIFA 14 so that one will be the third one I get to.

Not time for a nap before I go to work lol

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

You got it? It rocks? places were open at midnight or something? I thought you were taking the day off! :) Tracking shows mine is out for delivery! I should have called in sick damnit, the NBA is showing up today too.
BoneJj said:
My friend has broken every system he has ever owned... His PS3 2 times and 2 times his xbox...

I actually have his PS3 right now. waiting on a new drive for it so that I can get it working again. I also need to order a new fan for it. His fan went out and then he tried to fix it and as a result he ended up braking his disk drive.

He couldn't wait 1 day for me to come by and fix it for him.
I break controllers. Sometimes I have heated disagreements with games.....
I got it at 12:02 played thru the night and was asked to come in because of a deadline... so no sleep and im good I just cant wait to go home and play some more!

LMAO, did they have a lot of them or were they sold out pretty quick?
let me know when your up for some COD. If I cant get my kid to give me an hour to myself that is :)
I'm going to wait a while. I'm betting on a recall for some issue with the system. If anything, I'll probably save up to build a wicked PC. I already have so many games for 360 that I haven't even started yet to just jump consoles. I won't be getting a xbox1 though. That system has as much failure as Obama care...
I'm going to wait a while. I'm betting on a recall for some issue with the system. If anything, I'll probably save up to build a wicked PC. I already have so many games for 360 that I haven't even started yet to just jump consoles. I won't be getting a xbox1 though. That system has as much failure as Obama care...

NOTHING has as much failure as Obamacare!!
Not to mention I bet the PS website which allows you to play games with people all over the world (and works) didn't cost 600 million to set up.

I used to love PC gaming but the connections always seemed to be such a problem then you had one program running so you could talk underneath the game and it always had problems, people with different versions or no extras couldn't play etc. Im sure they have fixed a lot of that now but nothing is a easy to connect and play as the PS.

Glad I pre-ordered mine, I would have probably stayed up all night too :)
I used to love PC gaming but the connections always seemed to be such a problem then you had one program running so you could talk underneath the game and it always had problems, people with different versions or no extras couldn't play etc. Im sure they have fixed a lot of that now but nothing is a easy to connect and play as the PS

It has become alot better than the console online play imho.

Im pretty big into Car Sim's, even with the shit internet I have in a) Australia and B) living out in the country I have managed to have the past 5 years pretty hassle free!
Its more expensive though once you have wheels, 3x monitors, dash's custom made, ipads running telemetry, racing cockpits and so on, heaps more immersive though!
Actually have a 161 ap race tonight that will last about 6 hours, very stable!

Hows the track pad on the controller JT?
It has become alot better than the console online play imho.

Im pretty big into Car Sim's, even with the shit internet I have in a) Australia and B) living out in the country I have managed to have the past 5 years pretty hassle free!
Its more expensive though once you have wheels, 3x monitors, dash's custom made, ipads running telemetry, racing cockpits and so on, heaps more immersive though!
Actually have a 161 ap race tonight that will last about 6 hours, very stable!

Hows the track pad on the controller JT?

you on I Racing? my brother does that. I used to race all the time on the computer back when papyrus made a great Nascar game and before EA or the new incredibly horrible activision took over. I tried some F1 but just can't get into it. I also have Gran Turismo. I have the wheel and pedals for the PS but no dash or extra screens :)
