

New Member
So Monday and Tuesday I drove my car to work... today I decided to ride. Last 2 days.. sunny and clear skies... today DOWNPOUR! This is not the first time this happened. Yes I'm on an island but it seems to rain ONLY when I ride lol whenever I drive it is clear as it can be...

And now with the FE kit.. my back gets soaked! sheeesh:bsflag:


New Member


New Member
LOL weather forecasts are always wrong here.. or they always do the "chance of rain" - which is true

LMAO, forecasts no good there. you have to expect it to rain for a few minutes daily. Good thing is it usually doesn't last, several time I pulled over to put the top up and it stopped raining by the time I did. however there was a couple times I said im not going to pull over it will stop and next thing I know the car is soaked lol


Well-Known Member
My trusted method is to look at the sky before I leave,

forecasters can not be trusted,
what other job in world can retain their job when they get it wrong every day of the year?


New Member
Weather app on your iPhone/Android... radar screen in motion... keep an eye on it... never lies...

I live by it...


New Member
My trusted method is to look at the sky before I leave,

forecasters can not be trusted,
what other job in world can retain their job when they get it wrong every day of the year?


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New Member
Well yeah here it's just a blanket statement everyday (unless there is a tropical storm or hurricane)... "Partly cloudy with scattered showers and some sunshine" no kidding is the report everyday on the news.

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New Member
My trusted method is to look at the sky before I leave,

forecasters can not be trusted,
what other job in world can retain their job when they get it wrong every day of the year?

A politician.


My trusted method is to look at the sky before I leave,

forecasters can not be trusted,
what other job in world can retain their job when they get it wrong every day of the year?

A Scientist.


New Member
Rained yesterday too on the ride.. Didn't take the bike out today.. No rain!


New Member
Rained yesterday too on the ride.. Didn't take the bike out today.. No rain!

LMAO, kinda like washing your car. You know for sure that if you wash your car its going to rain.
