running over bikes like bowling pins


New Member now reports that there was an "undercover" officer present during the beating of the RR driver. NYPD is supposedly stating that the officer did not part take in any of the confrontations, but he didn't call it in either. They're trying to determine if he was participating in the group ride or not- ie "off duty" -vs- if he was actually working "undercover." There is a very big difference.

The report sounds fishy tho. My guess is he was amongst the hoodlums- just prolly riding along and didn't do anything maybe? :head scratch:

This is getting more interesting by the day. x.X


New Member
Maybe the officer had no legal obligation to intervene. But, morally, he's a piece of shit and deserves a beating himself.


New Member
Maybe the officer had no legal obligation to intervene. But, morally, he's a piece of shit and deserves a beating himself.

Apparently, they're now saying the officer *did* have an obligation to either intervene, or call it in... legally.

This gets more tragic by the day... everyone and their mother is now lawyering up...


New Member
Yea im out of this. Tragic for all our reps. Anyone else feel everyone is staring when u ride?

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New Member
Its been weird, my local riding group has split between sports and cruisers. Lost some good relations because of this. Hopefully this will fade out soon for all our sakes. Emotions suck sometimes.

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New Member
Yea im out of this. Tragic for all our reps. Anyone else feel everyone is staring when u ride?

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Yes, took the bike to work last 2 days. Got stuck on a little bit of traffic and this lady would no stop looking at me on the mirror. I know she wasn't admiring the bike because she had a nervous face and movement. When traffic finally freed up I let her go and kept my distance.


New Member
Elderly gentlemen here stopped me this morning at Starbucks. I was meeting up with someone to go on a morning cruise. He asked

"So what do you think about the bike incident on the mainland?"

Caught me off guard since Hawaii is usually in its own bubble lol

I said that by just looking at the helmet cam footage, the car was in the wrong. Now with all the additional information that was provided (stunts, blocking the roads, etc), I said the bikers were at fault. Told him I did feel bad for all parties that were injured and hurt. Especially the daughter. Also said not all bikers are like that and it's what gives "us" a bad rep.

He agreed saying "yeah like saying all Asians are bad drivers, hahah" (seeing that I'm Asian AND on a bike)

We chatted a little and went on our separate ways.


New Member
It's really sad that a group of dicks like this can change the game for everyone, and I believe the bikers are 100% in the wrong. That being said, as sad as this is, it's not national news and it's being blown up and out of proportion by the media. If it weren't for this, it probably wouldn't effect us in other states but I'm sure it will now. Tragic


New Member
Regardless of the incident, if someone decides to be a prick, im standing my ground even if 9n a bike. Just because these guys were in the wrong does not mean that cagers can abuse all bikers. I am not going to go up against a 4000lb vehicle with my fists, I do carry and if I feel that my life is in danger well the vehicle better be bulletproof. Respect the rules of the road and u will be fine. It goes both ways


New Member
Elderly gentlemen here stopped me this morning at Starbucks. I was meeting up with someone to go on a morning cruise. He asked

"So what do you think about the bike incident on the mainland?"

Caught me off guard since Hawaii is usually in its own bubble lol

I said that by just looking at the helmet cam footage, the car was in the wrong. Now with all the additional information that was provided (stunts, blocking the roads, etc), I said the bikers were at fault. Told him I did feel bad for all parties that were injured and hurt. Especially the daughter. Also said not all bikers are like that and it's what gives "us" a bad rep.

He agreed saying "yeah like saying all Asians are bad drivers, hahah" (seeing that I'm Asian AND on a bike)

We chatted a little and went on our separate ways.

that's exactly how I felt at first, and then later too once details came out


New Member
Regardless of the incident, if someone decides to be a prick, im standing my ground even if 9n a bike. Just because these guys were in the wrong does not mean that cagers can abuse all bikers. I am not going to go up against a 4000lb vehicle with my fists, I do carry and if I feel that my life is in danger well the vehicle better be bulletproof. Respect the rules of the road and u will be fine. It goes both ways

these bikers were out looking for trouble plain and simple, they not only found it, they created it. they got the short end of the stick, and now want to cry victim. many of the scumbags don't even have a license. this isn't a case of a handful of guys out enjoying a ride and a bad thing just happened. you can clearly see how not just the one guy giving the suv a break check, the whole pack surrounds the auto and everyone slows down like it's planned. suv is stopped, can you imagine how long that 20-30 seconds must've felt like with a gang in helmets approaching

how long will it be before this happens again, and someone has a gun, and uses it


New Member
Shame that so soon after the Biker ride on Washington was so successful, and gave the country reason to high-five the biker community, these indisputably stupid, stunting a$$-wipes have to turn public opinion 180 degrees, in minutes, against bikers...

The old adage is true... 1000 atta-boys is wiped out by 1 aw-sh!t...


New Member
So I went out for a ride today with a group of like-minded riders about 8 of us. We pulled over to a gas station and saw a black range rover pull into the same gas station. Here was the funny part, the guy went into the store and the female passenger immediately rolled up her windows, locked the doors, and sunk in her seat.

Mind you non of us were squidding or being hoodlums or even participated in the HBP event. To me I find it funny and sad, that people will lump us "bikers" to just that what they see in the media as outlaws or being in a club similar to Sons of Anarchy (really good show btw).

This made my day and we just kept cracking jokes about "look out for black range rovers, they might run us over because were ahead of them riding in formation"


New Member
AND you're in NYC?! Lol good stuff

So I went out for a ride today with a group of like-minded riders about 8 of us. We pulled over to a gas station and saw a black range rover pull into the same gas station. Here was the funny part, the guy went into the store and the female passenger immediately rolled up her windows, locked the doors, and sunk in her seat.

Mind you non of us were squidding or being hoodlums or even participated in the HBP event. To me I find it funny and sad, that people will lump us "bikers" to just that what they see in the media as outlaws or being in a club similar to Sons of Anarchy (really good show btw).

This made my day and we just kept cracking jokes about "look out for black range rovers, they might run us over because were ahead of them riding in formation"


New Member
these bikers were out looking for trouble plain and simple, they not only found it, they created it. they got the short end of the stick, and now want to cry victim. many of the scumbags don't even have a license. this isn't a case of a handful of guys out enjoying a ride and a bad thing just happened. you can clearly see how not just the one guy giving the suv a break check, the whole pack surrounds the auto and everyone slows down like it's planned. suv is stopped, can you imagine how long that 20-30 seconds must've felt like with a gang in helmets approaching

how long will it be before this happens again, and someone has a gun, and uses it

I agree with u, but I have noticed the looks I get when riding, and people not being respectful when signaling to merge even with a visible hand signal. I dont let that deter me but im worried that someone is going to do a little more then not let me merge next time. And we dont split lanes in wa its illegal, so our bikers dont get too much negative attention. I think splitting lanes is a bit unnerving for cagers which is understandable


New Member
that's exactly how I felt at first, and then later too once details came out

It's funny, because since I live in NYC as soon as I heard there was an incident. Even without even knowing the details...I was like, oh sh!t now they really f****d up. Damn goons. :zombie:


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