Does this look right to you? (raised seat)


New Member
So I raised my seat today. I could have sworn I memorized the instructions and executed them to a tee. I got everything back together just fine and the seat is comfortable. But there's now a gap under the seat. If I did it correctly - isn't it a bad idea to have an open space right above the battery for water to seep in? Thanks.

I did a google search for "seat gap" It led me to this post. It looks about the same.
I spend all day telling people GIYF and then I go miss it altogether...

Thanks bud.
As long as it's right... :)

I bought this bike because of how well it handles a tall person. There are numerous things I don't care for - but I'm insanely comfortable on it and that's what really counts for me.
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As long as it's right... :)

I bought this bike because of how well it handles a tall person. There are numerous things I don't care for - but I'm insanely comfortable on it and that's what really counts for me.

It's definitely right. That's how I have mine and I've gotten used to the look. I'll post a pic this weekend :)
When your sitting on it can you see the gap?

I prefer gaps myself

A) that chick is pretty hot

B) id get another seat before doing that. id like one of the corbins looks really comfy but too expensive for me. Might try the fz6r comfort seat
Just so you know, the name of that seat isn't correct. It should be the ANTI-comfort seat.

It really isn't a very good seat. You could check out Dirt Road customs, or corbin for that matter, but the Comfort seat isn't worth it. Of course this is all my opinion.

You know I don't believe that's the first time I have heard that. Which Is why I haven't pulled the trigger on one. I was hoping to get a used one on ebay or something for half so I could try it out but no luck so far. The corbins look really comfy and like the idea you don't need the bolts anymore but don't have $500 to spend on a seat. I think I saw some threads about the dirt road custom but if I remember that was around double the anti-comfort seat and required you to be without your seat for a while?
But there's now a gap under the seat. If I did it correctly - isn't it a bad idea to have an open space right above the battery for water to seep in?

I don't think water is an issue, but that gap is precisely the reason I left mine in the lower position. That looks like the seat's on wrong. I raised mine and looked at it for a couple of minutes before I said "screw it" and put it back.
That was the first thing people noticed.... "What's that gap? Bolts showing?" Yeah kinda sucks. I changed mine 2 weeks ago and have rode a few hundred since then and to be quite honest, it feels more comfortable for me and I'm 6'1". I noticed my knee position on the tank was better as well.

Well, that was me, and Eddie is a really good guy to deal with. I am pretty sure that his prices are better than the comfort seat. If you are going with strictly base mod, with little options, it should be cheaper. But honestly the comfort seat gives a distorted reality of what a good seat should cost, because most good seats will be over $200-$250. I mean, look up the good brands: Sargent, Mustang, Corbin... Anyway, shoot Eddie an email, his turn around is usually two days max:

[email protected] Tell him Rabbit sent ya ;)

You got a memory there Rabbit. I can't remember yesterday. Im really trying to remember which thread I was arguing with this guy about the can am spyder and cant find it. Can you remember that too? lol

im going to send Eddie a note. Im not sure what options there are but would be interested in seeing, I do know it would be nice to be a little more comfy especially up front and if possible lower.
