talk about steady aim!


New Member
it takes a certain kind of stupid to do what they did. just thought it was a good pic of one of the rotten/insane bastards who caused so much pain and suffering in boston...deserves any bit of the worst that the system can give him


  • pb-130718-tsarnaev-boat-laser-jsa-758p.photoblog900.jpg
    36.8 KB · Views: 125
yea i thought it was kinda big for a typical red dot. still a good pic though....just use some imagination and picture about ten m4's focused on one
Not nessisarilly true, when I was in Iraq we did a mission with IA ( Iraqi army ) and the inner cordon team did a hvt extraction. Well when I looked back from my gun those IA dudes had drawn a smiley face on this dudes chest with bright green lasers. Musta took weeks of practice to get it right.
I've seen a couple of shots from different angles and each of them have the red on his head. I've seen a few of the ERT officers here in my town have lasers on their rifles in addition to whatever sight is equipped, so I don't think it's out of the question.

Different Shot:
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Dude lost me at "the biggest terrorist threat is extremest Jews."
Wacko conspiracy theorist nutjob...

I have no doubt there are government cover ups, regardless of which party happens to be in power... However, judging by the preponderance of current government scandals, and obvious, and continuing, attempts at cover up (and probably many more that haven't yet leaked), the Fed is waaaaay too inept to carry on anything with the magnitude of what that twisted turkey is talking about in the vid.

It's highly possible some zealous cop put a bullet in the Chechen Rolling Stone glamour boy, "after" the fact... And, it's highly possible they didn't report it that way. That's not surprising. Neither is Benghazi, the IRS and Conservative targeting, or even the NSA spying when you consider (what we all know to be) the source.

While the JDL (Jewish Defense League) does take care of its share of local activity, it's *only* against targeted radicals, and *never* using a massively destructive device such as a bomb at a highly attended public event. Which is why you never hear about it.

Additionally, that 6% of Muslim attacks only includes domestic events, not international, in which they VASTLY outnumber any other group, extremist or otherwise.

Going by the FBI chart (which this loon is referring to), then Cuban exiles, and Puerto Rican separatists are the biggest threat in this country:


The irony is, if this chart has *any* merit at all... we're spending trillions to guard against 6% Muslim attacks domestically, and El Presidente wants to legalize, and give amnesty and citizenship to the 42%??

LOL... considering all the other bass ackwards BS this administration has its dirty little hands in... I can believe it...
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I know what ya mean brotha. I suppose this is where one does some deep thinking on what one believes and perceives. Our God given freedoms, have and always will be encroached upon by those that feel a superior lust for power. As citizens united we can make a moral stand for freedom! I will always hope And believe regardless of the situation, for the outcome can and always will be dictated by mans greatest blessing and curse, free will.

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