motorcyclist gets slapped......


New Member
Guy slaps motorcyclist for racing him

Guy slaps motorcyclist for racing him. Here is what the rider had to say "Just for everyone to know. I was NOT trying to race him, and I know the video makes it seem so. But I just wanted to pass him since I noticed he kept staying right next to me. I accelerated a bit to pass him but slowed down when I noticed I was approaching speed limit as well the a yellow light.".


Thats it.... camera is now off... so let me get this straight. they were on a two lane road... light turned green, motorcyclist took off quick and stopped at the speed limit. cager desides to cut off said motorcyclist and assault him.... im so confused


Mistah T
Elite Member


New Member
You have to be preternaturally retarded to assault someone with a cam clearly strapped to his head (regardless of who was right or wrong on the road)...

Allows you to: 1- return the slap with an armor-knuckled glove; 2- immediately have this guy picked up and ruin his f%^'ing week...

...both of which would have been my favored choices...


New Member
Haha! I legally conceal carry, so he might have had a gun in his face if he did that to me...

As do I... but that wouldn't have been provocation enough to reveal it... much less point it...


conceal carry huh, i was always taught one up. you show hands, im going to show you my OC.. i rather be shot than OC'ed. if you show your oc ill get a stick. you get a stick ill get a gun. level of deadly force my friends


waiting out winter
Elite Member


Super Moderator
Yes, that would not have warranted a draw of the pistol and would have most likely landed you in some big trouble if you did. I CC as well and with that, you have to know when you cannot escalate the situation. He had no weapons and your life was not in danger. You really should have other means of non lethal defense in addition to your firearm. OC spray is a big plus. Something like that, he is for sure showing aggression, spray away. Ride to nearest police station and report. Or public place and call police to respond.


New Member
Yes, that would not have warranted a draw of the pistol and would have most likely landed you in some big trouble if you did. I CC as well and with that, you have to know when you cannot escalate the situation. He had no weapons and your life was not in danger. You really should have other means of non lethal defense in addition to your firearm. OC spray is a big plus. Something like that, he is for sure showing aggression, spray away. Ride to nearest police station and report. Or public place and call police to respond.

What if the guy that was coming towards to you was a Tai Chi Master and knew the crap your pants move?

[ame=]Hot Rod Tai Chi Move - YouTube[/ame]


New Member
The guy in the car was a hot head, he gave a little slap, but totally inappropriate. Keeping cool was a legit and safe response by the biker, it sucks but we are vunerable out there, he managed to escape with only his pride injured. On hindsight, though, you would have dismounted and raised your fists and meet him half way, and have a fair fight - but, you may still lose as both will go to jail after the cops show. Let's just hope Karma catches up with the hot head, I am sure he will get a beat down soon enough, its the medicine he wants and needs, only then will this guy chill.


Premium Member
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waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
2 things. The guys a dick and idiot, he deserves to get his *** beat. 2nd, this didnt warrant a gun pull, or even to be sprayed with OC, unless it escalated further. To those who dont know, be very careful with OC, you can screw yourself up with backspray on some of it, and if you spray someone on a public roadway like that, you will most likely be sued, because he could be panicking and run/stumble into oncoming traffic.

Shitty situation, guy deserves to get beat down in an alleyway, but it probably wont happen.


I would follow him with the camera rolling to make sure I got a good ID of the car and plate. Then ride to a public place and call the police.

Though I cannot carry in Illinois, I carry out side of my home state and I'm also an instructor. This attack does not warrant lethal force. In most states lethal force is applied even if you draw weapon in terms of the law. Now, if this guy was on his back getting beat, two or more, male vs female. These are examples of disparity of force in witch (depending on your state) would give you the ability to draw your weapon.

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New Member
Shitty situation, guy deserves to get beat down in an alleyway, but it probably wont happen.

It'll happen... Incidents like this, with no repercussions, embolden them. He'll slap the wrong guy, and he'll get kneecapped, or stabbed in the face... I grew up with bait-balls like that...
