the most loudest exhaust mod/aftermarket

WarNiNg.... I am about to introduce you to some of the few reasons why I didn't read this thread.

Punctuation is key in all aspects of typing and/or writing.... especially here where reading what you were TRYING to say was not even worth the effort. Wow.

Bad language does not help get your point across.

If I have to read ONE more exhaust thread, I am quitting this forum! :rolleyes:

I am an internet troll.

Good day!

+1 on the critique of the mono-sentence. I appreciate proper grammar and try to use it in all situations where I am communicating. It's not because I'm stuck up; it's because it makes it easier for the people I am communicating with to understand me. It's also like putting on clean clothes before you leave the house. It shows you respect yourself and the people you are interacting with. Using lousy grammar is like going to the grocery store in your pajamas. This isn't an English exam, and nobody expects you to replicate the works of Pierre Berton, (Marthy should get that reference) but have some pride.
Marthy, you get a pass on the grammar thing. I live close enough to Quebec to hit it with a rock, and I've heard some truly amazing things said by people who think in French and then translate over. It makes me realize how stupid I must sound when I am abusing the French language with my anglo brain. You are not even in the running for the top 10 most entertaing botched translations I've ever heard. I remeber a guy coming in to my shop and telling me he needed to be served "extra fast because I am parking twice." Classic! I only wonder some of the dumb things that have come out of my face when I have tried speaking other languages. In fact, when people write junk like this, it's an insult to people who speak other languages and have the guts to come on to an English forum like this and type in English and have the pride to do their best at it.
Bottom line, if you can't be bothered to speak or type with some semblance of coherence, I can't be bothered to translate your gibberish in to English and offer a response.

Rant over! (I find myself saying that a lot lately)
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Marthy, I wasn't talking to you silly! It was in regards to OP.
My English got much better over the years. As funny as it sound I try to step it up and type properly. Auto correct on the PC is my best friend for sure. But sometime it doesn't fix it all! LOL

If you think I type funny, you should ear me talk! LOL Not that bad... LOL

My wife is from South-Africa. She sound funny too. But after 3 years of college she got much better at typing properly. But still got her sexy accent!

Can't resist her sexy Foook offf! LOL :D

I'm surprised you have to speak English at all. Everyone I know who has moved to Florida from Canada is from Quebec! I think there are more Quebecois there than in Quebec!
My pops helped me mod the exahust on my bike. I bought a ninja 650 can, he cut off the original muffler, welded a few things bam, ninja 650 can installed! It sounds pretty damn loud. My right ear suffers a bit when I dont wear my ear plugs, but I sure love the sound :)
I think the biggest part of it is being considerate. My Yosh slip on isn't crazy loud, but I don't like idling it when people are around. It's a lot louder than my stock FZ6R was. I am careful about where I park and which way my arse is pointed when I warm it up before a ride. I turn it off and walk it in to parking spaces when I'm downtown near people trying to enjoy the day, and I keep the tach pretty low in town. I love how it sounds on the highway, but it's frankly a bit embarrassing in town. I'm not the guy who wants everyone's head to turn when I ride by.

I remember one day sitting on a sidewalk patio and a couple of pirates pulled up. They left their bikes idling with the drag pipes pointed straight at my table while they walked their bikes in to their spots, and they didn't hurry. They weren't using their engines to move the bikes, either. Yeah guys, we all see your Harleys, now turn them the eff off! It was obnoxious.

I have no problem with loud pipes, but when people aren't considerate they ruin it for everyone and stupid and over-zealous noise laws get passed. It's true, though, that most 4-cyl engines are not very loud when they're not being rodded. If you hear a 4-cyl bike and it's really annoying you blame the user, not the pipe.
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That's funny - YOUR ear suffers when you don't wear ear plugs.. What about all of the people fortunate enough to be near you? This attitude is why we have SB435 in California. Loud pipes don't save lives (last time I looked there was no definitive proof one way or another), all they do is annoy everyone around you.

Yes, my ears suffer because the exhaust is directly under me during the whole ride (which last anywhere from 30 mins, to over an hour nonstop on average)

When I pass by traffic, it's not as loud obviously because they're you know NOT DIRECTLY ON TOP of the exhaust like I am. Sure it's loud to people, but they only have to hear that sound for a few seconds.

I'm not sure what proof you want that loud exhaust save lives. I cannot cite any sources myself. I know this is anecdotal BUT before i had my exhaust, when I would ride on the highway, traffic would CONSTANTLY try to change to the lane I would be at because they would not hear/see me. Guess what? as soon as I got my TB exhaust, It stopped happening! The obvious fact here is that in highways, a driver will hear you when you are next to them. So if you're on they're blind spot, at least they will hear you.

California has laws up everyone *** because they need money. It's a great source of revenue.
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don't forget... on the highway... you're fighting the loud stereo... cell, kids screaming, etc.... tooooo many drivers distracted... a quick downshift or clutch in and rev does get their attention with a louder exhaust.... in my case, when rolling through my neighborhood... I roll in second gear at 15-20mph and it's not that loud... unlike the twins, we don't thump thump thump, blub blub blub... it's a constant purr.... stock exhaust on our bike is extremely quiet... Marthy Exhaust with db killer is a nice compromise.... can be loud when rolling at highway speeds and quiet in the neighborhood...

just my two cents.....

and, BTW.... keep it polite please ;)

Thank you...

Yes, my ears suffer because the exhaust is directly under me during the whole ride (which last anywhere from 30 mins, to over an hour nonstop on average)

When I pass by traffic, it's not as loud obviously because they're you know NOT DIRECTLY ON TOP of the exhaust like I am. Sure it's loud to people, but they only have to hear that sound for a few seconds.

I'm not sure what proof you want that loud exhaust save lives. I cannot cite any sources myself. I know this is anecdotal BUT before i had my exhaust, when I would ride on the highway, traffic would CONSTANTLY try to change to the lane I would be at because they would not hear/see me. Guess what? as soon as I got my TB exhaust, It stopped happening! The obvious fact here is that in highways, a driver will hear you when you are next to them. So if you're on they're blind spot, at least they will hear you.

California has laws up everyone *** because they need money. It's a great source of revenue.

Thank u twice
