decelerating, braking & gear braking



what do you use most when braking, and at what speeds ?

1. mainly brakes

2. mainly brakes & downshifting.

3. letting off throttle, and downshifting.

at what speeds do these each apply most.


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very interesting.
very surprised that brakes rarely used.
I guess it could be compared to a car, nobody just randomly brakes on highway, well..... lol

but on a bike, does it slow dramatically when letting off throttle, or just normal, guess it depends on what gear your in.

do the brakes on the FZ6R really pulsate upon hard braking ?

I just watched a video of the FZ1, guy hit brakes pretty hard, and his whole arm was vibrating like hell.
watch this video right around 4:30 on, watch his right arm while braking.
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The front brake has almost 80% of you're stopping power while the rear brake only contributes roughly 20%.

I can't say that I have a usual routine as every scenario is different. Engine braking(down shifting) is something that I try to employ as often as possible when coming off an exit ramp, slowing down in highway traffic or any slowdown that is predictable.

Stop & go traffic would mainly be clutch & rear brake. Maybe a little front.

Panic stop = Clutch, front & rear.

I have locked up that rear brake before in a straight panic & slid/fishtailed(dam cager!)

That front brake has some serious bite so gotta watch it.
would a panic stop warrant clutch/ then down shift, and both brakes, or does that not makes sense, hence PANIC , lol.
do you even have time to downshift in panic situation is what im asking i guess.


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Brock Kickass

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decelerating, braking & gear braking

Engine braking does a lot of it. Remember, bikes are lighter than cars and tend to rev higher. Well, some bikes tend to rev higher, the FZ6R definitely so. Because of the reduced inertia of being lighter, and the high compression engine higher in the RPM range, letting off the throttle often has a more noticeable effect than in a car. Style has a lot to do with it, too, though. At the first sign of trouble, I downshift without thinking. I also drag my rear brake a little bit when I let off the throttle so that my brake light comes on. If you engine brake right down the car behind you might not notice you slowing down. As a side effect of this, when I do have to jump on the brake, my rear almost always engages first. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it changes your balance and you need to be aware. Some stuff comes with practice and some stuff just sort if happens.


Engine braking does a lot of it. Remember, bikes are lighter than cars and tend to rev higher. Well, some bikes tend to rev higher, the FZ6R definitely so. Because of the reduced inertia of being lighter, and the high compression engine higher in the RPM range, letting off the throttle often has a more noticeable effect than in a car. Style has a lot to do with it, too, though. At the first sign of trouble, I downshift without thinking. I also drag my rear brake a little bit when I let off the throttle so that my brake light comes on. If you engine brake right down the car behind you might not notice you slowing down. As a side effect of this, when I do have to jump on the brake, my rear almost always engages first. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it changes your balance and you need to be aware. Some stuff comes with practice and some stuff just sort if happens.

didnt look at it that way, regarding the engine braking & using rear just enough to light up taillight, very good point. you seem to be a very knowledgable & capable rider, youve been giving me good tips on all my threads.
thanks man

Brock Kickass

New Member
decelerating, braking & gear braking

We all share good ideas, we all get better. This forum was huge for me when I bought my 6R, and this and the FZ1 forum still teach me lots every day about my bike and how to ride it. As far as "knowledgeable and capable", well, let's not go too far. I can hold it together, but there are zillions of cats out there who could undress me on a Ninja 250.


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Brock Kickass

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decelerating, braking & gear braking

It's like racing. Brake, then turn. Use all the available traction in your tire for braking, and then let off the brakes and use all of the available traction for turning. Repeat hundreds of thousands of times and you're close to being an expert.
