So, I got a police escort on the way to school this morning……


Not sure if this belongs here but I did get a complement on my bike :)

I am headed to school and I can see that another bike has been following me for a while. He has been weaving in and out of the cars moving his way up until we come to a red light. I split the lanes and get to the front of the cars and leave enough room for him to get in front next to me. I flip up my visor to say what’s up as the light at this intersection takes a while. The bike pulls up, I look over, I see a moto cop and a familiar face.

Conversation goes something like this-
Him- Thanks for leaving me enough space, I hate getting stuck behind cars at lights.
Me- Yea no problem, wait are you…..
Him- Yea that’s me.
Me- You probably don’t remember me do you…….
Him- Yea I think I do.
We chat a few more seconds then we both look over at the light and notice our light is about to turn green.
Him- Don’t be afraid to keep up
Me- What!?!?
He looks over at me and smiles then takes off.

I am right on his tail then look down at my speedo and notice it doesn’t match the posted speed limit. We go for a bit until we have to stop again. He cuts to the front of the cars and I am right behind him. We come to a stop and I flip my visor and start to chat again-

Him- Keep your front wheel even with mine. Stay right next to me in the lane and match my speed.
Me- Ummmmm, OK
Him- When people notice who I am they slow down and that annoys me.
Me- Ummmmm, OK
Him- Nice bike, I really like it. I saw someone with the same bike a few days ago.
Me- Thanks.

The light turns green and we take off again, and again, the speedo doesn’t match the posted limit. We are going the same speed but I am too much of a chicken shit to be right next to him because I am afraid someone will call his dept and give them both of our plates and bust us out so I keep my front wheel even with his rear wheel. We keep this pace for a bit then the car in front of us sees him and slows way down.

We come to the main road and begin to merge into the traffic. It’s tight but they make room for him when they see who he is. I am right on his tail and get in the same lane. We go this way for a bit until the road opens up and he floors it. I look at my speedo and notice it is nowhere close to the posted limit. We keep this pace until he gets to his exit, throws me the peace sign and exits, and I continue on my way.

Dude, if I'm lying may I crash and burn next time I ride my bike, which will be tomorrow.

Also, this guy is pretty cool, both through how I know him and what happened today. No way I would ever bust him out.
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ok, now we need chapter 2 entitled "The Prequel"
Tell us about the first encounter.
I have always told myself how awesome it would be to be a CHP motorcycle cop... now having one tell you to keep up would be good enough for me. lol

Only encounter with a MC Cop for me was when he gave me a ticket... on my bike. :mad: No love...
Dude, if I'm lying may I crash and burn next time I ride my bike, which will be tomorrow.

Also, this guy is pretty cool, both through how I know him and what happened today. No way I would ever bust him out.

I will take a guess here. His instructor for his safety course?
I will take a guess here. His instructor for his safety course?

Sorry for being vague on the whole thing but I have to be in this case. I left out the road I was on, time of day, his dept, his name etc for a reason.

DragonBlu- No, but the only picture I have that is significant to what happened is below. It's the plate that is on my old car but is on my new car now. It's from my previous profession.......

I don't want to sound mean but I don't see the point of posting something that only you know whats going on.

It;s like posting something like that.

"I was riding my bike and I saw this guy doing this thing and really pissed me off."

And leave everybody on limbo like :confused::confused::confused::confused:
I don't want to sound mean but I don't see the point of posting something that only you know whats going on.

It;s like posting something like that.

"I was riding my bike and I saw this guy doing this thing and really pissed me off."

And leave everybody on limbo like :confused::confused::confused::confused:

Sorry, maybe I'm just grumpy today :(
