
I normally don't do it EVERYday as I'm a daily rider but something told me to do it before taking the wife for a ride this evening (keep the thoughts clean)...so glad I did! Now I'm in the market for a tire....

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Yup...my Monday began with 2 nails AND a staple in one tire on the truck and now this...stupid TEXASS roads!!!
I feel your pain. I just got two nails in my truck yesterday... FML a few hunderd later two new tires.

Any suggestions on new tires??? I'm looking at the PILOT POWER 2CT's...as you can tell by the pictures, I like to LEAN!!!
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Take a little refuge you don't live in Canada where tires cost double the price they do in the USA. Found so many great prices on US sites that won`t ship to Canada
I love nails! They plug the holes! Didn't you know that? As you're riding along, if you've a hole in your tire, the nail fairies plug the holes with nails, so you don't lose air.

Jeez, I thought everyone knew that... :p

Thats funny right there!!:D
