Competing tomorrow


New Member
Hey guys and gals,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am competing in a Brazilian jiu jitsu tournament tomorrow. Weighed in today for it at a lean 134.0 lbs after cutting a few pounds of water weight prior to the weigh in. Feel good and looking to take home a first place medal! I feel ready for it and as strong as i have ever felt so it should be a fun time. Looking at my gi though got me thinking that I need to make an FZ6R forum patch for it! Gotta represent! LOL. Hopefully I'll be able to get somebody to record my matches and if so, I'll post them up. Gonna get some early rest tonight, then going to smash tomorrow! :)
Hey guys and gals,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am competing in a Brazilian jiu jitsu tournament tomorrow. Weighed in today for it at a lean 134.0 lbs after cutting a few pounds of water weight prior to the weigh in. Feel good and looking to take home a first place medal! I feel ready for it and as strong as i have ever felt so it should be a fun time. Looking at my gi though got me thinking that I need to make an FZ6R forum patch for it! Gotta represent! LOL. Hopefully I'll be able to get somebody to record my matches and if so, I'll post them up. Gonna get some early rest tonight, then going to smash tomorrow! :)

kick some ass brother we will be thinking of you hope to see some vids of u beatin the shizzy out of some peeps lol
Hey... best of luck, little Gracie...
Thanks guys. Took 3rd place today. Felt good overall, but obviously there are some things I need to work on. Got a pretty sick triangle finish tho. Footage was taken on a buddy's flip cam so once I get it, I'll upload. Another tourney in two weeks so I'll be back training as soon as tomorrow! Drillers are killers
Yes definitely. I think Silva finishes Sonnen impressively too
what level did you compete? i competed in a NAGA tourney back in 09' i got schooled, nobody finished me but i got out pointed in my first match then my match in the "loosers" bracket. but then i am old, the guys that show for NAGA are really good and i had just gotten my blue belt. (or maybe i am just not very good)

we have several high level teachers and tourny players here in Dallas. I gave up after that. i still roll weekly but i dont train BJJ much anymore. my den is all mats. now i train Muay Thai.
You might want to try Krav Maga. It's essentially a combination of the best of Muay Thai, BJJ, and boxing, and it discards the more ceremonious forms, and nonsense.

I had to unlearn years of Shotokan, but learned more in the first couple of years of Krav, about applicable, relevant, self-defense, than in 14 years of Shotokan karate.

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Did you do the transition between Karate and Muay Thai kick yet... that's the hardest habit to brake. I train Muay Thai for few years too. I tried BJJ for a bit but didn't go crazy about having a fat a$$ dude sweating his hairy chest in my face after a whole day at work...

There's a little school around here that needed some help with stand up fighting. So I went there and help out for 2 weeks... but I had the Friday evening class and no one show up because they prefer going to the bar. I was doing it for free... wasn't planning being there 3 times a week for free!

I'm 40 now... enjoying other things in like now!
Yes, exactly. The transition from the stiff form of Shotokan to the more fluid Muay Thai, as well as the difference in impact points was initially *very* difficult to negotiate. Muscle memory is a powerful thing.

Even more interesting was the basically non-full-contact style of Shotokan training to the full contact, multiple adversary, style of Krav. However, I feel 1000% more capable now, even up against much younger opponents (I'm in my 50's).

To put a sharp point on it, we had a local Tae Kwon Do dojo go out of business a little while ago. A couple of the higher level belts (both black) came over to our Krav gym to look into continuing training. One of them felt with his advanced degree, he should begin at a level four or five in Krav (there are five levels... however, no belts, no gi, no nonsense). To evaluate him, our Krav instructor put him in the ring with a level two Krav student -- full contact match (fully geared up, of course). Within 20 seconds the TKD black belt was on his ass *outside* the ring, wondering what the hell just happened.
