So I put her down for the first time today in my garage.


New Member
Yeah, I was applying some goo gone while sitting on her to get that warning sticker residue off (didn't work btw) and I could of swore I had my kick stand down but apparently I did not sighhhh. The good news is my frame slider REALLY did it's job, there is not so much a tiny scratch on her (save the end of my handle which is literally just a small knick). My clutch lever got jolted down a bit so I had to readjust it. At first she was giving me trouble trying to start, but that was before I noticed the clutch position was out of place so I adjusted it and turned her back on and she came back to life. Rode her down the rode up to about 65 in third just to make sure all was well.

Everything seemed in order but I wanted to ask what are some common problems that can arise for a small drop. I mean I didn't just up and drop her from the seated position, I stuck with it the whole way down and tried my best to lightly set her down, which I think I did a good job with. But I just want to make sure there isn't anything specific I should keep an eye or ear out for.

Any advice is much appreciated!



Active Member
Nah, you are all good. Sorry you put her down but nothing to worry about since it was such a light drop.

Hey! Your name is a lot like another member.... rOar. :D


waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
Nah, you are all good. Sorry you put her down but nothing to worry about since it was such a light drop.

Hey! Your name is a lot like another member.... rOar. :D

It's why I'm called "Grayce." It happens to most all of us at one time or another. May that be the worst drop you ever have!


New Member
Nah, you are all good. Sorry you put her down but nothing to worry about since it was such a light drop.

Hey! Your name is a lot like another member.... rOar. :D

Stellar, that's what I was thinking I just needed some reaffirmation.



New Member
Thanks guys appreciate the good vibes. That friggen warning sticker is a damn omen haha. It's caused me nothing but pain ever since I took it off last week. (if it wasn't for the residue I would have never set her down)

*cue omen music*


New Member
Thanks guys appreciate the good vibes. That friggen warning sticker is a damn omen haha. It's caused me nothing but pain ever since I took it off last week. (if it wasn't for the residue I would have never set her down)

*cue omen music*

Check maintenance/oil thread for reccomendation.


Senior Member
Elite Member


New Member
I set my bike down the 4th day I had her. I was parking at the store and I just didn't expect to lean so much when I turned the bars. Next thing I knew I was using all my strength to set her down lightly. Just got a nice little nick on the crankcase cover though. The next day I bought some frame sliders. Hopefully that will be my worst drop.


New Member
Hey sorry to hear about the drop, I too went down today, very little damage but need sliders.. mind if I ask what sliders you have that did their job so well? thanks.


Cynical Member
Elite Member
