Have you tried the high seat position?


New Member
I'm a 30" leg length and I tried the high seat position for the first time today and went for a three hour ride. I know it's only about an inch higher but I found it made virtually no difference in how I could flat foot the bike or in the riding position. Oddly (and I know this makes no sense) I felt I could sit even more upright than with the seat in the low position and the reach to the bars seemed no different. Have you tried the high position and what is your impression?
I have a 32" inseam and found that even the highest position is not high enough. :(
Same here. I'm 6'1" and tried both and didn't notice any difference. I just kept it at the low position so I wouldn't have to look at that gap in the seat.
I'm 6'4 and it makes a ton of difference IMO. I lowered it to let my girl ride. When we left the parking lot I left it in the low position.Couldn't wait to get back home and raise it back up!
I'm 6'4 and in the low position my knees are really cramped particularly when riding aggressively with the balls of my feet on the pegs. But when I relax my feet with the middle of my feet on the pegs it's not as bad, but you run the risk of dragging your feet on the ground in your corners.

But when it's in the high position I don't feel as cramped in both feet positions and when u slide your but back in the seat it is more of a lean and aggressive position. IMO there is a big difference.
Im the same as OP with a 30" inseam.

I like it in the high position. Gives you a little more height and forward lean. Helps if you wanna be all "MotoGP".:zombie:
Thanks. There is a gap between the seat and the frame. Must be in the high position. I'll swap it out, just for shits and giggles, LOL. Who knows, I may like it better.

My seat is on high position. I think is better for me being tall and big. Question when the seat is on high position, does it feel loose, like you can shake with your hand?
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I'm not sure about my leg length, but I'm 5'7" and have it set to high. I made the switch about a month after owning the bike. I figured that having to tip-toe would help force me to balance better and gain confidence. Now I can flat-foot on the high-position and it feels right... odd, I know.
Hmm, after reading through the responses I should probably try out the high position sooner rather than later :)
